Aug 26, 2006 19:08
I didn't know past quizzes had sentimental value. Even those 6/10 ones in Math...
I was clearing up my quiz binder to make room for the new quizzes from the 1st Quarter this year. My quizzes from last year were still there. *Sigh* Just a few months ago I wanted to throw those failed quizzes but here I am now reminiscing and even making up weird reasons not to throw them. Like what if I become this really famous actress and then I die *knocks on wood* my quizzes from highschool would be auctioned for thousands of dollars! Or If I suddenly bloom and grow into a genius and my failed math quizzes would be framed and hung in museums and labelled, "Belly's high school math quizzes" and teenagers who fail in math would be given hope that they can still be a genius even if they fail math. Wow that would be cool!
Well for now those quizzes take too much space. Besides, I still have a few more years before I graduate. So I finally decided to throw them away. :)