Here's a list of the first fics and graphics submitted for the
Multi-fandom Small and Fuzzy During an Apocalypse Challenge - go, read, comment (if you're so inclined)! Challenge ongoing until April 2nd. So, if you want to write or make graphics that merges small and fuzzy with the end of the world, there's lots of time left.
It Started in New Zealand by
bitter_crimson (Graphic, original)
Firefly crossover ficlet by
executrix (Firefly, gen)
Battlestar Bunnica by
i_want_2 (Battlestar Galactica, gen)
Pussy Cat by
_xanthia (NCIS, gen)
Supernatural ficlet by
maggiebloome (Supernatural)
Dirt and Spring by
ana_grrl (Real Genius, Mitch & Jordan, PG)