seikaitsukimizu Title: Five ways Cam and Teal'c told the rest of the team they were moving in together
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: PG-13
Notes: First of the 5 Things prompts. I know these are supposed to be short, yet somehow it's about 1600 words.
Jackson just looked confused )
"We're not having sex." And they weren't. They'd tried once. It had been messy. In the bad way. "We shall never speak of this again," Teal'c had said. "Oh, hell no," Cam had agreed.
They're going to end up watching Babylon 5 and making out on the couch, you know. And probably still not talking about it.
I have this image in my head now of them watching Bablyon 5 on the wide-screen TV that Teal'c brought with him, and Cameron sort of sliding closer to Teal'c without really noticing he's doing it, and then they're kind of absently kissing - like they're fitting into place and not thinking about it - and then it gets really hot, and Cameron finally gets a clue (and a great orgasm).
(I do believe that there should be much Cam/Teal'c fic with making out on couches; somehow it seems to fit with the whole dating thing they've got going on.)
And ahahahah, your icon *loves*
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