Jul 29, 2004 10:17
damn....i complained to my husband yesterday that he ate all the bagels i bought for myself. He always buys the icky flavors and sometimes I just want a plain bagel...so, I bought them.
There was one left last night. I hadn't had any.
So, he actually left me the last bagel (that i bought for myself!) and I put it in the toaster.
the damn thing got stuck and didn't pop up so it got burned! not salvageable burned either..black nasty burned.
this is a metaphor of my life lately...I burnt the last bagel.
Still no word on the job. I got an email again that said there has been another delay and instead of this past tuesday (and last thursday and the friday before that)they would be able to notify us sometime today. I am not holding my breathe.
In regards to Mrs. Ralph's note. Hubby doesn't want me to work the late shifts...he feels it is too unsafe..and he doesn't want me working anywhere in ypsilanti becaue he feels that is also "unsafe" (where walmart and kmart are). Bear in mind I once worked in downtown Detroit as a bouncer at a gothic industrial club from 10pm until 430am..just mere blocks away from the cass corridor....but, ypsilanti is unsafe *sighs* it amazes me how much I compromise for this man.
Speaking of this man....i told him last night that he has to stop building a wall between us. The first week after brendan came home i thought "wow! this is amazing! Having this beatiful baby boy has actually improved our relationship!"
Not like that anymore....he has taken to saying hurtful things ("i didn't mean it that way..i was just joking") he spends nearly 0 time with us. He blamed work and cooking and cleaning. I reminded him that he hasn't cooked NOR cleaned anything in the house for three days. He got mad at me and said i need to stop calling him a bad father.
this all started because he didn't like what i was watching on tv. can you believe it? i told him there was nothing else on. Since he won't watch a movie with me..what else am I supposed to do? He huffs and says "well..i wanted to spend time with you and the boy, but i can't watch this crap so i'll just go downstairs" I responded with "like you would actually spend time with us"
see...he has this bad thing with tv...if it is on, nothing else exists. literally...early that evening we had those mid day goddamn syndicated reruns on (i hate goddamn reruns) and brendan was being very fussy. He was bawling/screaming for about ten minutes. I finally calmed him down and he began to fall asleep. about two minutes later hubby makes a comment saying "the boy is always so calm in your arms." I said not always...didn't you just hear him screaming?
ten minutes my boy is screaming and hubby hears nothing but goddamned reruns on tv...sitting about 5 feet away.
I think i had a right to say what i said.
later i told him that i never said he was a bad father, that those words came from nowhere but his own head. that if he wanted to be a better father than his father was, he has to do something about it..and that if he really wanted to spend time with US, it shouldn't matter what, if anything, was on the tv.
just when i think things get better for us......
my MIL hoped i wasn't getting post partum depression because she saw me crying. I wasn't bawling..just got teary eyed because she asked me about the work situation and that, as you know, is a very anxiety ridden subject for me right now. I am far from having post partum...my son is my happiness. the only thing that makes me cry is her son and my current work thing.
so...yeah..that was my break for the day..time to go take care of other things.