Jun 17, 2004 18:31
I had a busy busy day today.
First was my appointment with the Nutritionist about my glucose and that whole lower carb diet regimine I am supposed to be following to keep that in check. I told her what I have been doing, allowing myself my one splurge meal a week..walking, swimming, using splenda products..yadda yadda yadda...she says I am doing wonderfully. She also gave me some tips to help hubby with his triglycerides...and we talked about the south beach diet. My MIL is trying it now..and alot of people I know want to try it..I have been curious about it, but wary. I never did believe all that Atkins junk..and obviously for good reason! the guy was a quack! She said the South beach is ok to try..but you should ignore some things (like not having fruit..she suggests some fruit at every meal). She mainly recommends that people skip the first two week phase. She explained to me how it works, and how it fools people...so cool..I am armed with knowledge :)
From there it was Father's Day card shopping...then off to Wolv Towers. I dropped off a couple bid forms for different positions. It is time for me to seek other opportunities. I have been told I have a good chance at the Office Coordinator of East Quad position. It helps that I know most of the OC's and almost all of the hall directors on campus :) Go me!
While I was there, I stopped at the Benefits office and upped my life insurance. With Baby Boy on the way, I want to make sure he will be in ok shape if anything ever happens to me...Dave will be increasing his soon as well. I also picked up some more info so that I can sign brendan up for life insurance after he is born, sign up for TIA CREF finally..and a couple other things to look into.
Then I had my "30 week" (I am actually 33 weeks) Nurses visit at my OB. Get this..my blood sugar, after being more careful with my diet for what..three weeks? is perfect. Blood Pressure is till wonderful, Baby's heart still great..everything seems wonderfully normal! And get this...with only 6 weeks to go...I have gained A TOTAL of 5 pounds during this entire pregnancy! I have no idea what clothes to wear afterwards! We also went over all the things to do and when..what to look for..and all that.
So..that's the update :)
Now I get to rest for the evening *grins*
be well all!