Jun 26, 2006 12:57
When I got out of the shower this morning I went into the sunroom and looked in the corner and saw some canvases and paints and I thought painting would be fun so I did, and It was! I decided instead of starting out with just one color covering the canvas I'd draw what I was going to paint, I decided on my tree outside since it had simple lines and it wouldn't come out too terrible. Now I'm not the cleanest person and it really comes out while painting, I've got paint on me and I"m like "how the hell did I do that?" I didn't make the leaves too spectacular, just dots and I decided to brighten up the tree, since it was a very dark color, I'd put some pretty green ivy too. And it's probably the best painting i've ever done, not that I've made that many in the first place. I think it turned out good and I'm happy with it. ANd i'm also proud of the paint beneath my fingernails and going up and down my arm in random places.