Ok so I'm really just wanting to see if an ljcut will work for me
So I figured that I'll post some of the crappy screen shots I took of Nakai's drama festival
these are mostly of Mizushima Hiro and Ikuta Toma (with some Sato Takeru)---image heavy
And now the impression that he had to do....hehe
And now the close up
His face...he looks like he in pain
And now for the 'omg.....i can't believe i just did that"
Hiro shame....
while they were waiting for results.....
Hiro still has the same face....and Takeru looks short in this pic
......only one of them moved at all...and wat's with the tongue action?
are they frozen?
yea, they're frozen......cpt the 'o' guy haha
Ok now it's time for Toma as a fanboy time hehe
For those who didn't watch, this was when Toma had to do an impression of Nakai lol
'omg Nakai just toughed me!"
and this next one is after the impression, Nakai walked over and shook Toma's hand
'I am never washing this hand again!!!" hehe