Now That I Am in Madrid and Can Think 17/22 Rating: R (grownup stuff, swearing etc.) Summary: Xabi was always the least fun one in the Alder Hey pictures. The rest is so not true.
Can this really be the first (intentional) coming out in a dressing room I've read in this fandom? It feels like it is. It's great, needless to say. I'm starting to get sad at how few parts of this are left. :(
Thank you, that means a lot. :) I stressed about it because I really, really didn't want to be all Pollyanna about it. BUT. Having read extensively on the subject, the overwhelming reactions described among the players themselves (at least in big leagues) are of quiet support and indifference. Basically, at this level, those who have a problem with it wouldn't dare to verbalize it so I guess I wasn't TOO naive about the whole situation.
No, it felt very real and not Pollyanna at all: shrugs and immediate pisstaking seem exactly right to me. All your research for this fic is great; clearly there, but not obvious or instrusive at the same time, if that makes sense? I'm just fangirling you shamelessly now, SORRY!
LOL, why would you ever apologize for such a thing... ;) You're too kind, seriously... it might be dangerous to feed my delusions. I mean... some of the google searches I used for this... There could probably be restraining orders issued just on the basis of my "research"(and the timeline notes...) so it's good to know it would at least be worth it. :D
Awwww Jake's outing was the cutest thing ever!! This part: " Who’s usually on top?” … …. … “WHA’?!? You’ve all been thinking it!” Omg Morgo!!!! And then Jake saying his bf has some single friends if he wanna try... I love these two. Also Lucas.. :') all supportive*cries happy tears* But... What's wrong with Xabi? It's because the treatment! My babies. I hope he's okay. As usual can't wait for the next chapter.... Just 5 more :(
I think with this chapter I finally understand why your Xabi and Stevie don't just take off into the sunset together. I hope whatever triggered Xabi to fall off the wagon is also going to make him address the situation!
What I relate to in the characters? There you go: that it's complicated; that affection is pretty damn hard to day no to; that they are using each other; the selfishness; that sometimes (a lot of times) you do things that you know in the long run are no good for you, but the rush is also pretty damn hard to say no to; the sweet lure of self-destruction; and that those who keep the facade of self-control the tightest, give in to recklessness the hardest. Your Jake has a much healthier attitude in life, his cockiness included. I will probably delete this later. :)
Comments 17
But... What's wrong with Xabi? It's because the treatment! My babies. I hope he's okay.
As usual can't wait for the next chapter.... Just 5 more :(
What I relate to in the characters? There you go: that it's complicated; that affection is pretty damn hard to day no to; that they are using each other; the selfishness; that sometimes (a lot of times) you do things that you know in the long run are no good for you, but the rush is also pretty damn hard to say no to; the sweet lure of self-destruction; and that those who keep the facade of self-control the tightest, give in to recklessness the hardest. Your Jake has a much healthier attitude in life, his cockiness included. I will probably delete this later. :)
The situation will be addressed. Soon, I promise. ;)
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