Now That I Am in Madrid and Can Think 14/22
Rating: R (swearing, grownup stuff, Scousers etc.)
Summary: Lost in Scouse Translation, A Comedy of Errors Starring Didi and Carra really did happen and it's so epic, it deserves fanfic of its own.
Consider this a prompt. The rest... not so much.
Well, if it isn't Adam Morgan and the bloody Half Blood Prince! )
The jail scene...brilliant!! I think that if this remotely happens...(if this could be real life) Xabi, Carra and Stevie reactions seems to fit them just as you described.
Suddenly i want to bought a ticket to fly to Liverpool and take a picture of that view...maybe i two years...and maybe i should start saving since tomorrow for that.
I love how you take care for every detail and how you included them in your story...the researchs, pictures and everything.
Their story just screams WRITE ME! y'know? And I'm a crazy person obsessed with little details (like the "you should have seen the look on Gerrard's face" in The Alonso Song... I dunno... it's just a connection that's so fitting for storytelling), it doesn't take much to get me going...
and that's i why i love youuu (but please don't delete mis comentarios...kidding... ;p ) uhm, there's something between them that is hard to ignore...their chemistry, the feeling of respect and admiration and something that is like they are a little in loved of each a way...not sure of what way...hahaha...but they're charming!!!
I'm a complete freak when it comes to research and details, which is why I've been going to sloooowly lately, but some things I did tweak just to make them convenient... I'll basically go with whatever feels RIGHT for the story and I'm really lucky to have readers who appreciate that. :)
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