book log

Jul 08, 2012 14:32

Time for another sporadic book log! Vague spoilers ahoy.

[A Great and Terrible Beauty - Libba Bray]So this is that one book I always have in these logs that I can't really remember because I read it so long ago. I really enjoyed it, though. One of my favorite things was that the characters really felt and spoke like teenage girls, with teenage girl concerns. The ending suffered from Read more... )

parasol protectorate, a song of ice and fire, book log

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Comments 4

unsentimentalf July 9 2012, 13:08:03 UTC
I don't think I've ever seen a L'Engle book apart from our old battered copy of Wrinkle in Time, which I loved as a child. Interesting that you liked the CS Lewis- I read them many years ago but definitely had the impression that they were Universally Considered Bad, though I have no idea where I would have got that from.


an_lagat_glas July 10 2012, 06:08:37 UTC
I grew up with the whole Wrinkle in Time series (well, the five that go together, ish). WiT is definitely the best, but as a kid I liked them all. As an adult, I found and fell in love with A Ring of Endless Light, which is about family and growing up and death; it's one of her non-sci-fi books. L'Engle can be a little religious at times, but as she believed in universal salvation I can take her theology more than Lewis's. And re: his trilogy - I wouldn't call it good sci-fi, and I can see how anyone looking for sci-fi would be displeased by what they got. But being familiar with Lewis's writing and preoccupations (and it was pretty much what I expected, if lower tech), I found it more interesting than anything else.


mythopathy July 9 2012, 16:41:25 UTC
STORM OF SWORDS! It's my fave. Given the pace of the rest of the books ASOS is a breath of bloody gory horrifying but fresh air.


an_lagat_glas July 10 2012, 05:58:35 UTC
Ugh, I want to know what happens but I'm not particularly looking forward to the next two books.


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