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Comments 2

eyrial_9 March 25 2012, 13:39:48 UTC
Like you I liked it but wasn't overwhelmed. It did have some truly emotional parts, I loved Rue.

You're right, District 12 was under done, and I was sad they didn't hammer home that the people are forced to watch the games, I imagined a lot more enforcement of it in the books. It is an important part of the horror of it all and so I felt like they could have added it quite easily.

Wasn't the greatest fan of the fire effect during the parade, but I guess it's hard to do. I liked the build up though, the tension in the team was really nicely palpable because in the books the awkward silences are filled with Katniss' inner monologue. I guess that also applies to her relationship with Peeta, because in the film you only see what she does for him and her displays of caring, but you don't hear her thinking inside that she's being forced or her being completely oblivious to what her actions are actually implying and revealing about herself.

Overall impressed but not overwhelmed


an_lagat_glas March 28 2012, 05:11:27 UTC
Wasn't the greatest fan of the fire effect during the parade, but I guess it's hard to do

I was surprised that it looked as bad as it did. With all the things you can do with CGI now I wouldn't have thought it that hard, but I suppose they were on a budget. I imagine they'll have a little more to spare for the next film ; )

The tension was fabulous! Way to keep an audience at the edge of their seats.

I'm not sure how I feel about Katniss/Peeta in the movie. On the one hand, I liked that it looked like she actually might have feelings for him (even though I don't think the bread scene was particularly well done), but on the other I miss the sense that a lot of it is for show and I wonder how they'll handle the forced-marriage thing in the next book. (though to be honest I wouldn't really care if they took out the fake pregnancy thing, Twilight has enough teen pregnancy for me)


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