[Robin Hood] The Alchemy of Love: Chapter Two (3/11)

Jan 13, 2012 14:42

Title: The Alchemy of Love
Rating: R. This chapter includes some unpleasant content between Isabella and Thornton, but it isn't graphic or prolonged.
Pairings: Guy/Marian/Isabella/Robin (Guy/Marian, Marian/Isabella, Isabella/Robin, Guy/Robin); a teeny bit of Allan/Will/Djaq
Word Count: 5467 (/~40,000)
Summary: During her last Nightwatchman gig ( Read more... )

sedoretu, alchemy of love, robin hood, fic

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Comments 13

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an_lagat_glas January 14 2012, 05:06:40 UTC

I'm wondering how the marriage will work out if she can't get a divorce?
I have thought of that! Never fear, there is lots of not-just-relationshippy plot to come : D

You know, I think I spell it "connexion" because I read way too much Jane Austen (with non-updated spelling) in high school and it just stuck. When it's about people, it just looks weird to me to spell it the other way. And I believe it's still spelled that way in British English? Don't quote me on that, though.

Thank you for your lovely comment! ♥


ladykate63 January 14 2012, 04:08:40 UTC
Just wanted to say, it was a pleasure to beta this and a pleasure to read this again now. Love what you did with the final version of the Guy/William scene. :)


an_lagat_glas January 14 2012, 05:13:01 UTC
Yay! Glad you're enjoying it : ) And thanks for your comments--I realized that my headcanon!Guy is much more S2 than S1, which is fun, but needs to be reigned in a bit for the present ; )


thymelady January 14 2012, 17:33:58 UTC
Like Hula, I'm eager to know how you'll solve this, oh dear! Can't wait! And I love your Austen spelling, thought about it as Austen when I read it.

Great writing and interesting development, you get the sense of how these people would interact when leaving their spheres. Far too little of that in the show!

And how I long for Marian to get some sexy times, wow.


an_lagat_glas January 15 2012, 02:00:20 UTC
I was always a little sad at how small the world of RH was--it's fun to push the boundaries! And thank you!

Don't worry, Marian will get to have her own fun ; )


smoothlikebutta January 15 2012, 01:26:43 UTC
What an intriguing premise. I am really enjoying this story.


an_lagat_glas January 15 2012, 01:58:00 UTC
Glad to hear it! It's very fun to write : )


glenavera January 16 2012, 19:30:36 UTC
Poor Marian. She really must feel suffocated by all those hope Guy and her father place in her. And Isabella... *sigh* I cannot say how much I pity her. Great chapter. I hope you update soon.


an_lagat_glas January 24 2012, 05:55:44 UTC
They're all in a hard place, aren't they? Never fear, though, things will change! And thank you : )


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