(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 15:19

There were bits of this that I really liked and bits I really didn't. I'm glad Arthur finally stepped up, though I wish we'd seen more of how he got there from last week's "I won't give up on my father." Lovely Arthur/Gwen, and if they keep this up I may actually start enjoying them. I appreciate the pairing, but those two don't typically grab me and make me wish they could work it out, like this episode did. Loved Merlin being a little more confident, both in talking to Arthur and to Morgana. I'm glad he finally attempted to appeal to her better nature, and I enjoyed her brief moment of being conflicted. But soon things were back the way they were, with Merlin talking about her "true nature" (ugh). Hopefully we'll be spared Morgana's evil smiles for a few episodes.

And I suppose I should say something about the True Blood finale since I talked about the rest of the eps. There were some things I liked, and several things that should have been awesome. Unfortunately, the terrible writing of the episode spoiled it; it was so choppy and disjointed and it felt like they were going through a checklist of stuff they needed to wrap up rather than telling a story. Lots of teeny little moments that you shouldn't have had to guess at, that they probably had to cut for time.

I did enjoy the revelation that Bill let the Rattrays attack Sookie; I haven't read the books so I don't know anything about Bill's work for Sophie-Anne aside from what we've seen on the show. Didn't expect that. I'm also glad that Sookie is actually taking a break from the vampires, though I am pretty wary about the fairy storyline. It sounds like it's way less weird in the books. I loooooooove that Jessica and Hoyt are back together, but isn't she like sixteen? Moving a bit fast, but then relationships on this show seem to--Bill and Sookie weren't together for that long before they got engaged. I will definitely watch the fourth season, but I wish I were more excited about it : / And I think my favorite bit was Eric and Russell. It made me think of this:

true blood, merlin

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