Title: A First for Two
Pairing: Meg/Nightwatchman
Word Count:200
Rating: PG
Prompt: Meg; first kiss
A/N: for
rh_drabblefest Meg collapsed against the courtyard wall, shaky from her near-ordeal and winded from their escape. The Nightwatchman looked at her in silent question, and Meg nodded, gasping for breath. As her rescuer turned to go, Meg reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Thank you," she panted. "Won't you tell me--"
The Nightwatchman shook his head before her question was even finished. Meg found she didn't mind very much. A mysterious rescuer was exciting, a welcome distraction and a satisfying end to her clandestine night-time expedition. She only wished she had a token to give him, like the ladies in stories.
On impulse, she took two quick steps forward and pressed her lips to the Nightwatchman's kerchief, about where she thought his lips ought to be. She seemed to have got it right, more or less; the light eyes that looked back at her weren't angry or disgusted or laughing at her. They looked surprised--and, briefly, pleased.
After a long moment, the Nightwatchman nodded and disappeared into the shadows. Meg slipped into the warm fire-glow of the house and tiptoed up to her bedroom, wondering how to go about getting rescued again.