Title : Nerdy Love
Pair : Yabu Kota 💛 Inoo Kei
Type : drabble series
Author :
an_jung Library. No one think its best place to hangout. Oh comeon, who like stay on quiet place full of books? But he is different, he never fail to come to library whenever breaks come. Every librarian knows him. Well, probably, he is the last one who stay on library until close time.
He is one of an architechture student. Right now on second years. Despite he has many project to hold, he always have time to come to library.
Oh. Did i forget to introduce him? His name is Kei. Inoo Kei 19 years old. Should i describe his presence? Well, if you have image of him as a nerd, youre not completely wrong. He wears spectacle, of course. But, one word that can describe him is, Pretty. I said "he" right? Yeah... probably pretty boy.
"Sumimasen," kei hold up his head to look to someone who disturb him.
"Hai. Is there anything wrong?"
"Do you still read that book? I mean, i need to read that edition. There is another edition. But i need this one. But, if you still need it, you can read it first. But make sure to contack me as soon as you are done,"
Kei look at thick book beside him, "SOCIOLOGY" was writen on there.
"Aah, john marcinsons? I dont really read it. I just curious about this book. You can read it," kei look at the boy, who not so different with him, he look more nerd than him, probably because thicker spectacles and nerd hairstyle.
"Arigatou. Etoo. Senpai?"
Kei smiles and take out his hand, "Inoo Kei, 2nd year, architechture. You?
"My name is yabu kota. 1st year. Social studies,"
"Aah, socialist. Alright, you can take it,"
"Arigatou, senpai," with just that, kota take the book and walk out to another table.
Kei start to read another book that he take before. He doesnt know, that someone who sit near him, put down a spectacle in the table.
"Fuck. A 1st year, social studies? Heck, cant i think other!baka!"
Yatta!!! I am back
I write new fiction. Its drabble series. Its short of course. Nobeta and no re edit.
I write it my uni library and post it on the bus when i go home.
Hope you enjoy!!!
leave a comment after read ne ^^