Aug 10, 2005 03:26
i got this massive blood blister on the tip of my middle finger at work tonight. it was/is awful. i warn all people who will come in contact with the mop solution pump at skate zone to be careful. it slammed down and nearly chopped the tip of my finger off. it took a hunk of flesh away from my body, but somehow this created a blood blister that has a thicker spot to it lower on the finger. pretty gross stuff. it hurts like hell but i refuse to pop it because that's sick.
i'm lucky i have an awesome boss like justin because he mopped the bathrooms for me and got tyler to mop the blue tables. i feel bad because it's just a blood blister but oh my gosh i was about to pass out. i've never had one before, much less one this huge and evil looking. aside from the pain, the idea of all that blood and the pulsing sensation made me get all lightheaded and shaky. plus they were telling me gory details about popping it and that didn't help. yucko. i have to keep it covered with my clifford bandaids now or i will get sick again.