Wesley loved libraries. He always had. He loved everything about them: the peace, the quiet, the privacy, and most importantly, the books.
He always loved books.
Sitting in a lonely, quiet corner, reading a nice long study just published on the language of a primitive South Asian tribe, Wesley felt more at peace than he ever did in his shabby, cramped apartment, or in Angel's offices, or Cordelia's flat. In fact he hadn't felt so relaxed since before the explosion. His bandages were finally off, his medications were finished - honestly finished, he wasn't just saying that to Cordy and Angel because he didn't want to take the damn pills - and he finally felt like things were getting back to normal.
Although, of course, they weren't. They were working out of Cordelia's flat with barely half their normal clientele, Angel's high from the Shanshu prophecy had worn back into endless brooding, Cordy was suffering from withdrawal from her acting career and kept changing her mind about devoting her life to the good fight . . .
And . . .
And Wesley was starting to think dangerous thoughts, thoughts about the future, and his place in it, and reading was a good way to make those pesky thoughts go away.
For now.