Aug 03, 2007 19:09
It's not every day I get to cross something off of the ultimate list of things to do before I die. To be honest, I dont know how many things are on that list, but i do know that i crossed one off during high school: i ate ice cream in front of a window behind which there were people on treadmills at a spa. the treadmills were facing the wrong way (im guessing precisely so people dont do what i did) but still--that was on the list and now has been crossed off
today i crossed off another one. I mailed a letter to Will Shortz containing a themed weekday crossword puzzle of my own writing for possible publication in the New York Times. I finished writing the puzzle weeks ago but i had to work out a few kinks (and kinks in these things often involve rewriting whole sections) and even then there were a couple of clues that may not be up to Times standards. There are still a couple of questionable ones in there and for that reason i dont think this one is going to get published but my goal was not necessarily to get it published but to write a submittable one and thus this qualifies enough to get it crossed off my list.
thanks to all those who helped me out with the clues