(no subject)

Aug 14, 2007 01:17

It was only after some time of soft words and sweet nonsense that they actually bothered to notice the rest of the world long enough to realize that they had acquired something of an audience - if a good natured, quietly amused, and genuinely congratulatory audience - and they had made their way, dripping and laughing and happily embarrassed, to seat themselves beside a campfire.

They remain there, in the company of a motley assortment of creatures and people, close and still slightly tangled as Tristran asks after the little hairy man he had met early on in his travels - and though several had spoken up as knowing him, none had seen him at the market this year.

The star, on the other hand, is a fair sight more than content to stay at the boy's side for the moment - thoughtful, perhaps, but rather alright with having no one to ask after for herself. She has what she needs right beside her, thank you very much.
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