Jan 13, 2007 14:43
Aaaah. I've got a serious case of cabin fever. I've been in the house all day and it doesn't look like I'll be leaving it, seeing as everyone's already busy and my mom doesn't want to take me anywhere. So I've been reduced to poking around online, shopping for myself for my birthday because I'm apparently impossible to shop for and have to pick out things for my relatives to get me. So far, pickings are slim...I've written down the Karaoke Revolution: American Idol game, an Imogen Heap CD and the Law & Order computer game, which was probably more hassle than it was worth. I mentioned a little while ago to my mom that a possible gift idea for me would be the Law & Order: CI computer game (because I'd heard of it and thought it sounded cool), and today she was standing behind me as I went to grab the link for it.
Her: So what are you looking at now?
Me: The CI computer game. I told you this already.
Her: [starting to sound nervous] CI?
Me: Yes. CI. Stands for Criminal Intent. They usually have the more fun cases. Although I think I'd rather have the just plain L&O computer game, because that one lets you be the prosecuting lawyers, too. [adds link to e-mail]
Her: CI? Not...uh...not CSI?
Me: MOTHER! What did you do? I don't even watch CSI!
She had to go and call my grandmother back and tell her to cancel the order on the CSI computer game, which had me laughing, because I hate CSI and my mom knows it. We've discussed how I hate CSI. We watched an episode of CSI:Miami once together and counted how many times Horatio tilted his head "dramatically" in the duration of the 48-minute long show. (Roughly 57 times). Then my grandmother asked if I had watched last week's episode of "that show I like", and I seized the phone and ranted about the evilness of cliffhangers and the current Alex/Addison situation.
And now I'm ranting to you guys. I think there is a medical connection between cabin fever and verbal diarrhea. Hopefully I'll be able to weasel my mom into taking me down to NY&C to look at their sale a little later, because if I don't get out of this house I'm going to go absolutely bonkers.