If your mother and your brother had relations with each other
And your father was connected to the Gotti clan
I'd say, "Well, you know, nobody's perfect,"
It's tragic but it's true
I'd say "Hey, hey, Shiksa goddess
I've been waiting for someone like you."
(Haha. I love The Last 5 Years.)
Well, I for one had another lovely weekend. I spent most of Saturday down at the Teen Center helping the Youth Commission get ready for their annual dance for disabled kids, and that was really fun. I spent most of the time writing on the signs (apparently I have neat handwriting; I'm actually not too fond of it, personally) and hanging crepe paper. I actually spent about an hour quietly steaming from the ears because the guy that runs the Teen Center made the mistake of ruffling my feminist feathers. What happened was the girl in charge of hanging signs (I think her name was Lauren?) poked her head into the room I was working in and asked if anyone there wasn't afraid of heights. I'm not and never have been, so I volunteered to go up on the ladder and pin the signs up for her, because she apparently has a slight acrophobia herself. So I get up on the ladder and am absolutely fine, perfectly balanced and happy as a clam, plucking T-pins out of the wall with both hands and chatting with the girl who was handing the signs up to me. As I am doing this, the guy in charge of the Teen Center keeps casting me these worried glances, and asking, "Are you okay? Are you sure you're okay up there on that ladder? Are you going to fall? Someone--I need someone to get behind her, to catch her if she falls. Maybe we should get a boy to do this. Are you sure you're not going to fall?" Finally, he actually hailed this boy over and made me abdicate my position on the top of the ladder, and he kept saying, "A boy could do it better. This is a boy's job. A boy could do it better." And, as if that was not enough, the boy in question was actually there because he needed community service hours to present to the school board as he was on suspension for vandalism--he didn't even want to be there or help at all, he was just sitting on the couch. I was very, very tempted to just drop down in the middle of the floor, cross my arms, and wait for him to ask what I was doing so I could say, "Nothing. Oh, wait, actually, maybe I should stop doing nothing, because I'm absolutely positive that boy could do it better. It is a boy's job, after all." But instead, I swallowed my pride, thought of the disabled kids that would be attending the dance, decided it would be better for everyone involved if I just sucked it up and went to hang streamers, and silently vowed never ever to volunteer with the Youth Commission again.
Although Alex Johnson and I had fun on lunch break, and that kind of made me forget about being mortally offended. Behind the Teen Center they have this huge patch of long brownish-greenish grass that backs up to a creek and looks kind of like a meadow, and in the middle of it they had a single bright blue picnic table, that happy shade of blue that makes you think of summer skies and jelly beans and playground equipment. No one was sitting on the table and Alex and I couldn't understand why, so we took our disgusting Subway sandwiches and walked through the grass and sat down across from each other on the picnic table. There must be a huge dandelion patch somewhere near that creek, because the wind was blowing dry and hot and it was carrying with it thousands and thousands of little white dandelion tufts. The whole scene was very beautiful, and it would've been wonderfully romantic if Alex or I had any amount of interest in each other at all, but as we didn't we just sat and enjoyed the view and talked about school and life and friends and what our plans were for college and beyond. We actually had a rather interesting discussion about Miss Mills, in which Alex made some VERY interesting comments that I've been sworn ne'er to repeat (but of course, I told Alexandra, because I think Alex J. expected that one anyway).
Anyway, I left there around three PM, and just kind of chilled at home for a while until Alex (the other Alex, my BFF Alex) called and wanted to know if I could spend the night at her house. So then I went over there, and we sat on her bed and pored over the first issue of the Grey's Anatomy magazine (which I didn't even know existed...Tiffany saw it and got it for me. I love her!) and giggled like the teenagers we are. Then we sat on her couch and ate wheat crackers and watched old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City, and were saddened because it was the episode where Carrie tells Aidan that she and Big had an affair while they were dating. We actually fell asleep pretty early, because Alex had an audition today and I was going to leave her house at like ten thirty so she could get dressed and down to LA. Normally I have weird dreams at her house, but last night I don't remember having any. Although I think I might have had one I didn't remember in which I was married, because in the middle of the night I rolled over and bumped into Alex, and my brain was in that hazy shade of gray between being awake and being asleep, and the first thing I thought was, "Wait...there's someone in bed with me...did I cheat on my husband?" But then I opened my eyes and saw who it was (I was still 99.9% asleep--I think I actually said, "Oh, hi, Alex," before I conked out again).
Yeah, so I left her house early, and because I was bored with no prospective plans for the day, I persuaded my mother into having a Girl's Day Out with me. We went down to Ross to pick out a cheap dress for the Spring Fling that my school may or may not be having, and I found
this dress that I'm completely in love with. (And yes, I know it looks like the dress is squeezing my boobs, but that was just at a weird angle--it actually doesn't. I would never ever buy a dress that did that.) I'm very happy with it, and my fashion consultant (aka Mother) liked it as well. And when I brought it home and modeled it, my dad even said it was pretty. Then we went and split a luau burger (the kind with teriyaki glaze and pineapples. God I love those things) and talked about college and our family. Then we went and saw Zodiac, which I thought was riveting, but apparently the rest of the audience didn't agree, because a bunch of them got up and walked out like an hour and a half into the thing. But hey, we thought it was really good. They didn't botch up the details of the case too badly, and I have to say, that Jake Gyllenhaal is very cute. It really got me thinking (and shuddering--I hated The Most Dangerous Game when we had to read it for English last year, and I will hate it unwaveringly till the day I die.) Then I got a cake batter ice cream with a Twix bar mixed in at Cold Stone's, which is basically the cure-all for everything from heartbreak to a headache. And now I'm here, steadfastly procrastinating my homework and waiting for my family to evacuate the living room so I can make myself some tea and curl up on the couch until the wee hours of the morning, which I've been doing increasingly frequently lately. I never thought that I of all people would be an insomniac in later life--I used to sleep like a log. But now I just can't fall asleep anymore.
Oh well. More HBO OnDemand movies for me. The other night I watched Walk the Line for the fifth time. I really like that movie.