Work on "Out of Sight" Chapter 2

Aug 15, 2008 16:58

Firefly a piece of "OoS" chp.2
River and Jayne

Jayne woke to an aching head - and total blackness. He rubbed his forehead and sat up, blinking to get his eyes acclimated to the dim light. But it never happened.

And then he remembered the fight and the hun dan that had sprayed his eyes and - "

"Gorrammit, I can't see!" He flailed his arms in a somewhat desperate attempt to fend off any lurking danger then tried to stand - only to be stopped by a thump right where he had been hit before. He howled in pain and lashed out with one big, meaty fist.

There was a small, exasperated sigh. "Regained consciousness. But you're scared - confused. Need your sight - you rely on it. Always won shooting contests as a boy, always had the best aim. The best tracker - "

"Bi zui," he snarled, looking around futilely for the source of the voice. "Why are you here, crazy?" he asked hotly, the mix of helplessness and anger swelling in him thickly. It was just his luck to get stuck blink and alone with only the crazy girl.

"Captain was shot," she said matter-of-factly. "Your eyes are gone, but no bullets in the skin."

"Oh yeah, real comfortin'." It was all manner of annoying and creepifying to know the little crazy girl was in his head, reading his mind. And he couldn't even see where she was. Suddenly, a severely disconcerting thought came to him as he remembered what Kaylee had told him about the girl once saying she had become part of Serenity.

Now sure she could read his mind, but... That didn't mean she was really in his head... did it?

"Foolish conjecture," River informed him, her tone clipped. He felt tiny fingers circling his wrists, bringing his hands up to feel smooth cheeks. "Right here. I am real."

He though for a nanosecond of hauling off and smacking her - like he felt she so richly deserved - but she tightened her grip her so slightly and he decided, wisely, just to drop his hands.

"Yeah, fine, moonbrain - you're real." He blinked hard again in another attempt to restore his vision. It didn't work. "So... Where the hell are we? And where's the gorram ship? Last thing I remember was fighting the hun dan that sprayed me."

"Yes. Then you began running around howling - I rendered you unconscious and transported you here via our new equine companion."

Jayne didn't really understand that last part, but he also didn't care - all he had heard was "rendered you unconscious".

"Gorrammit, you knocked me out. Again!" He was furious; and he couldn't even do anything about it - because he was rutting blind. How it was possible he did not know, but it seemed like his day had just gotten even worse."


-written 10 August 2008

soon to be finished, firefly, general, written mid-08

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