A Piece of Chapter 24

Jul 11, 2008 23:43

Yugioh a new scene

Mai emerged from the steamy bathroom, a towel wrapped tightly around her body. It dropped to the floor and she wriggled into the underwear she’d laid out on the bed. She fished around in the shared chest of drawers for a pair of shorts and a tank-top and pulled them on, too. Already the day promised to be lazy and slow, so she didn’t bother with more than moisturizer and a quick blow-dry.

She walked out of the bedroom, expecting to see Jounouchi either eating or playing video games. She spotted him, all right, but he wasn’t doing either. He sat on the old, worn couch staring at the television, obviously not watching.

Well that was unexpected. And slightly unsettling.

Mai fell down beside him, curling her legs under her. “What’s wrong?” she asked, ruffling his hair. He was an idiot, but he was her idiot, and that untidy mass of blond was one of the most touchable things she’d ever encountered.

When he spoke, his words were slow - deliberate. “It’s Shizuka. Otogi might be…” His grip on the remote tightened. “That bastard might be cheating on her. My little sister.”

“What? But I thought their relationship was fine.”

“I did, too!” he bellowed, finally coming out of the unusual calm he’d settled into. “I mean… obviously he wasn’t good enough for her. But I thought at least he knew I’d kill him if he ever hurt her.”

Mai let out a short sigh, stroking his arm gently. “Don’t kill him yet. Are you sure that he cheated?”

His mouth turned down further, expression morphing into something like a pout. “No.” He sounded disappointed that he had no justification for Otogi’s murder.

Jounouchi turned towards her, obviously unsure. He was so like a big child sometimes. Mai pulled him into a kiss, not minding the smell of thrice-worn jeans and dirty t-shirt. “Go talk to him - give him a taste of that big brother intimidation I know you’re so fond of.” She had no idea what had put the idea of Otogi’s infidelity into his head, but she knew him well enough to know that unless it were definitely proven untrue, Jounouchi wouldn’t stop dwelling. And she didn’t want to deal with it. He had every right to disapprove of cheating on one’s partner, but since that was how their relationship had begun in the first place, she felt less inclined to listen to his thoughts on the actual cheaters.

“You really think talking to him would be the best thing to do? I was wondering if maybe Shizuka - “

“No,” she told him sharply. “If you’re not sure, Katsuya, you better not tell her a thing. It will only hurt her.”

“I guess you’re right,” he said grudgingly, patting her thigh absently. He was rough and awkward, so unlike the refined men she had once preferred. But he thought her precious even if he didn’t quite know how to treat her so - and if she didn’t love him that might not have been enough.

But she did. So that was all she ever needed.

“Are you going out today?” he asked.

She’d wanted to. But he was so overprotective of Shizuka - he probably wanted, and needed, though he wouldn’t admit it, a little reassurance. “To run a few errands, maybe,” she answered casually. “I thought I could get us a nice dinner.” She pressed closer to him, running one dainty foot along his denim-clad calf. “And then… an evening in. All alone.” Her breath was hot in his ear and she felt his body tense as one hand ran over his belly, just close enough to his lap to tease.

He grinned and his eyes were alight with something that she knew was more than lust. “Sounds good to me, Mai. How about pizza?”

She laughed and gave him a shove.


I always seem to overdo scenes with these two. Well... perhaps that's not the best way to phrase it. I always start out wanting to write something simple and space-filling, but then I wind up exploring their relationship or getting all "reveal-y". THIS CHAPTER IS KILLING ME. Oh, I love writing it... but it's being very, very naughty.

Oh, and I wrote this early this morning.



soon to be finished, short, yugioh, written mid-08, romance, sakura arc, general, icoe, jounouchi/mai, conversation

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