Because I Want to Believe

Jul 07, 2008 05:50

X-Files a bit of a thing, weird 2nd p POV

She barreled into every case with her eyes closed.

You knew from the moment she walked into your basement why she had been sent there, but it did not take long for you to like her. Respect her. She was science to your supernatural - healthy skepticism to keep you from growing complacent.

It was a beautiful partnership.

The two of you grew to understand one another. Though things weren't always smooth - and the occasional fight was more than inevitable - there was no doubt at all that you were just as much of a complement to her as she was to you. There was something whole and real there even before either of you could feel it.


written 13 June 2008



incomplete, angst, second person pov, one-shot, x-files, general, written mid-08

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