"Sevenfold" Complete Green: Sloth

Jun 10, 2008 22:41

Yugioh second vers. of bit 28
Seto/Anzu; Mokuba

Anzu picked her way carefully across the yard, the verdant grass crunching under her bare feet. Mokuba was still splashing in the pool, but she wanted to step inside for a moment to grab a drink, use the restroom - and, perhaps, just check on her appearance. After all, Mokuba’s big brother would be home soon.

“The idiot,” Anzu groused as she pulled a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. She and Mokuba had gone swimming together at least once a week since the weather had been warm enough - and still Seto was clueless. How many hints did a girl have to drop?

Suddenly, though, the very object of her thoughts - and affections - walked into the kitchen. “Mazaki,” he spat, glaring at her as he set his briefcase on the counter. His eyes swept over her. They weren’t, as she would have liked, filled with any measureable appreciation. No, just irritation that she had worn only her bathing suit into the house - and probably disapproval as well, as it was a tad on the skimpy side.

“Hello to you, too, sunshine,” she responded, careful to keep her face blank.

He sneered. “Why are you here?”

“Mokuba invited me to swim - as usual. I came inside because I was thirsty.”

That seemed to be satisfactory, because he merely shrugged. “Well either go back out and entertain him or leave. I don’t want you wandering around my home unsupervised.”

Anzu rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” It wasn’t as if she had even been wandering; she was just in the kitchen. Though if he wanted to supervise her, she really wouldn’t have any objections.

So grabbing her bottle of water, she went back outside.

“Hey Anzu!” Mokuba called. “Watch this!” And with a huge grin he ran down the diving board and executed a perfect cannonball. Anzu smiled.

She wasn’t really in the mood to swim - the quick dip earlier had been enough for her, and she was more than content just stretching out on one of the loungers around the side of the pool. It was a good opportunity to relax, and maybe work a little on a tan. She always brought an extra bottle of tanning oil, hoping that maybe rubbing it on her back might finally awaken Seto’s deeply suppressed masculine urges. He’d only agreed to do it once, and even though she had untied her top and let out plenty of happy little sighs, he had remained completely unaffected.

Slipping on her round, bottle-green sunglasses, she sighed. Men - almost more trouble than they were worth. At least the sun was warm and Mokuba was enjoying himself. It was almost enough to forget -

“Oh hey nii-sama!”

She didn’t move at all, but immediately all her attention was sharpened, focused in on that one point she could hear walking over towards her.

He was grumbling quietly to himself, throwing down his towel on the chair beside hers. And she felt a thrill at the chance to see him so unguarded. He looked flawless, as usual, though Anzu had to bite back a chuckle at his pale, skinny legs sticking out of his deep forest -green trunks.

“She’s still here?” he addressed to Mokuba, jerking a thumb towards her. Had Anzu not been so comfortable, she would have been very tempted to throw something at him.

Mokuba, however, was kind enough to be indignant on her behalf. “Of course she’s still here! Anzu’s tough, you can’t scare her away.”

“Whatever.” He didn’t seem to care if he could intimidate her, and she wasn’t sure whether that was progress or not. He didn’t seem to hate her any more, but indifference wasn’t a step forward. “I’m going to do laps. Show her out when she’s ready to leave; and make sure she doesn’t touch anything.”

He jumped in the pool. Mokuba shot Anzu a sympathetic look. He was perfectly aware of her feelings and was the biggest supporter of her cause - though he hadn’t made any progress cracking his brother’s shell, either. But she knew that once Mokuba was in one’s pocket Seto wouldn’t be long to follow. It was pointless to put forth effort when there was such a slim chance of success, so she was willing to just wait.

Eventually he’d notice her little crush and not long after that he’d reciprocate. All Anzu had to do was sit back and wait for him to make the first move.

It might take time, she knew, but that was fine. Most things worth having took time to get, and Kaiba Seto was very very worth having.

For a few minutes, they all just continued with their own activities independently: Anzu sunning, Seto doing laps, and Mokuba sitting on the edge of the pool, splashing his feet in the water.

“Hey Anzu,” Mokuba said suddenly, “do you want to stay for dinner?”

“I really should go home…”

“Aww, please?” He looked at her pleadingly.

“Mokuba,” Seto said sharply, standing up straight in the pool, the water at his waist. Anzu discreetly lifted her glasses to get a better look. “What are you telling Mazaki? I want her gone as soon as possible; she can’t stay for dinner.” His eyes narrowed as they turned to Anzu. “In fact, why doesn’t she leave now?”

“Be nice, Seto,” Mokuba chastised. “Anzu’s really sweet and she’s my friend.”

Seto just ignored his younger brother, climbing out of the pool and walking over to the chair with his towel on it. He quickly dried himself off, then stretched out on the lounge chair.

That was unusual; typically he just swam and went inside, unconcerned with the other two out there and never one to waste time. But he was just lounging there, his face softer without the ever-present scowl marring it.

Anzu was all too aware of him, her body warm from the sun and his presence. She felt suddenly lethargic, not at all inclined - or even, she felt, able - to move. In fact, the afternoon could have lasted forever and she wouldn’t have minded at all. Mokuba was splashing in the background, back in the pool as the two teenagers laid silently on their respective chairs.

But, of course, no matter how relaxed and immobile Anzu felt, that wouldn’t extend to the man beside her. With a small, stretch he stood up. “Mokuba, I’m going inside.” He slung his towel over his right shoulder and began to walk leisurely back toward the house. But as he walked past Anzu, he stopped and leaned down to pick up her water bottle. Apparently he lost his balance or needed leverage, because his hand landed on her leg, fingers splayed out across her thigh.

That was not just an innocent touch.

As he crouched down, he whispered “A white bathing suit… with blue spots?” She could tell he was trying to keep the amusement out of his voice. His hand squeezed lightly and she bit her lip to keep from sighing. “You really aren’t subtle.”

And as he stood up and continued inside, the puddle of Anzu-goo he left in his wake was radiating ecstacy.

“This,” she thought to herself, shutting her eyes, pulling her glasses down and putting one hand behind her head, “has been a very good day.”


There we go! This is the second, "official" version and has been sent off to my beta-reader. I'm fairly excited about this bit - it was very fun to write, and actually pretty easy, too. That makes me worry, of course, that it's not good, but I really don't think it's bad. Could be better, I think, though. What I'm sort of worried about is the "sloth" aspect - it's a little less literal, and Anzu's being lazy and slothful about waiting for Seto to make a move, but I think it comes off too impatient. I'll read over it in a day or two and see if I like it as is or if I think I should make it better.

That's all for now! I need to finish "ICOE" chapter 24, but Seto just won't stay in character for me.



green, complete, humor, yugioh, written mid-08, anzu, romance, sloth, kaiba, various attempts, sevenfold, mokuba

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