Chapter 29 Outline for "ICOE"

Mar 06, 2008 16:50

Yugioh  outliney thing - for a short chapter
Yugi; Jounouchi/Mai (or is it?); Otogi/Shizuka (tattered)

Okay!  So Yugi discovers he's lost Honda's ring.  (Ha...  Oh, the poor guy.)  He tears the whole shop apart looking for it - but to no avail.  He gets really panicked and freaked out.  This is really short and funny.

Second scene!  (Yay.)  Jounouchi talks to Otogi and gets Otogi to admit definitively that he cheated on Shizuka.  And boy, is Jounouchi pissed.  He's ready to kill.  And then he talks to Shizuka and tries to convince her that Otogi is bad news, but she's so smitten that she won't hear a bad word about him.  Jounouchi got Otogi to admit it, so he has proof, but Shizuka just really doesn't want to believe, and Jounouchi is so angry that he's incoherent.

Well, final scene (it's connected to the previous one).  Jounouchi goes home, where he proceeds to complain to Mai about the plague on the planet that is Otogi.  He then proceeds to yell and scream and bitch about how awful infidelity is.  (Oh, yes, I'm going there.)  And Mai tries to stay calm, but Jounouchi just won't shut up.  So they end having a BIG fight - because, of course, Mai cheated on Gabe (her ex-fiance) when she and Jounouchi first got together.  They argue and it gets a little out of hand, and Mai storms out.  But not before throwing a lamp at him.  I want the end to be a really dramatic scene where Jounouchi on his knees or something amongst all the broken pieces of the lamp.  A little TOO dramatic I think, but... eh, we'll see.  And...  curtain!

And that's the chapter.  This one is plot-full, too.  But not a single smidgen of Seto or Anzu.  Eep.  (And it's their story!  Heh.)



short, wedding arc, lifestyles-verse, yugioh, full chapter, outline, story notes, general, honda, icoe, shizuka/otogi, jounouchi/mai, mokuba

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