The Latest "ICOE" Progress

Feb 19, 2008 18:17

 Yugioh  a piece of chp. 23 meant for chp. 22
Mokuba and Yugi

Mokuba stood in the airport with Yugi, watching Rebecca’s plane disappear into the sky.  He stuffed his hands into his pockets and sighed.

“Lost that one,” he muttered to himself, eyes on the ground.  It wasn’t that he was a sore loser really, it just stung to be passed over for someone he believed to be less attractive, less wealthy, and less intelligent.  He glared fiercely at Yugi.

The blond didn’t seem to mind.  “Oh cheer up,” he said with a sympathetic smile.  “She’s not gone forever, you know.”

“Oh…  That’s right.  She’s coming back.”  His glare deepened.  “To be your date at Honda’s wedding.”

Yugi had the grace to look embarrassed.

“You’re leading her on, you know.  Why would you even get her hopes like that when you know as well as I do that you have no romantic interest in her?”

"I'm not leading her on, Mokuba.  She knows exactly where she stands with me."

"Then why did - "

Yugi sighed and looked at Mokuba.  The air of acceptance and experience he projected only irritated the younger man further.  "She likes Honda.  She likes the whole group of us.  So, since she wasn't directly invited, it made sense to ask her to come with me.  She'd been dropping hints that she wanted me to ask, anyway.  I don't have any romantic interest in her, that's true, but..."  Yugi shrugged.  "That doesn't mean I don't have any friendly feeling towards her."

Garr.  I really liked the beginning, but it just... fell flat the more I wrote.  So I stopped.  Heh.  I wrote up to "...sore loser really" last night.  I shall try to do some more work.  A Yugi/Rebecca scene like this was actually supposed to be in chapter 22, but it was already so long that I sorta... forgot.  Heh.  Well, yeah.  That's it for now!



written early-08, lifestyles-verse, yugioh, incomplete, general, icoe, not so hot, mokuba

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