A Random Bit I Found Recently

Dec 03, 2007 18:36

 Harry Potter   just a medium-length snippet
James, Sirius, Remus

James pouted pathetically.  "I...  I didn't mean to make her angry again."

"You never mean to," Sirius said with a laugh, "you just seem to have a rather amazing talent for it, anyway."  He flopped backwards into Remus's lap, effectively ruining the other boy's semi-serious conemplation.

"Sirius..." he began, quite annoyed.  Then he sighed.  "I need another drink."

"What can I do?" James asked.  He was so hopeless that it bordered on adorable; he looked like a lost puppy.  "I should go talk to her."

"There will be yelling," Remus noted, setting down the bottle he had taken a rather large sip from.

James shrugged.  "Sometimes I like the yelling."

That set Sirius off laughing.  "Then by all means, my boy - off you go!"

After a moment of hesitation, James obeyed, scampering off towards his lady-love.

Sirius kept his eyes trained on him until he was completely out of the dormitory.  Then, abruptly, he turned to Remus and grinned wildly.  "Good," he said, "he's gone.  Let's go find that firewhiskey he's hidden."

"Sirius," Remus said tiredly, "I hid your firewhiskey."

The statement seemed to put a damper on his enthusiasm.  "Oh."  Sirius deflated, sinking back to the floor with a frown on his face.  After a moment, however, he perked up.  "Moony," he said beseechingly, crawling back towards him, "will you please tell me where it is?"

Remus rolled his eyes and Sirius let out what sounded far too much like a giggle.  "Do you really think you need anymore?"

"No, but you do."  He got to his knees and put his arms around Remus's neck.  "And...  I'm pretty.  So go fetch."

"You're the one who fetches, you drunken git," he muttered, withdrawing himself from Sirius's sloppy, drunken embrace.  "But yes - you're right."  He pulled a bottle out from under a pile of dirty jumpers.  "I think I'm far too sober."

Sirius let out a faint hurrah and took the bottle from Remus's hand.  He took a large gulp then set it down with an enormous grin.  "Your turn," he said, giving his friend a cheeky wink.

--written 5 and 7 November 2007


I have no idea what this was supposed to be about.  It just...  Well, it just is.  It's here.  It has no point as of now.  Heh.  Ahh well.  Maybe I'll remember eventually.



incomplete, one-shot, written late-07, general, author approved, harry potter, friends

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