More Goku and the Stork

Jul 22, 2007 14:09

Dragonball Z   another piece of long one-shot (NANDBZOS)
feat. Goku and Vejita, implied-ish Vejita/Bulma

"I like the ocean," Goku said happily.  He snuck a glance at Vejita.  "It always reminds me of one of my friends.  The one with blue hair."  Vejita didn't respond.  "You know...  Bulma."

"Yes," his companion snapped irritably.  "I know who you mean."

"Oh."  He continued on, undaunted.  "I think the ocean's really beautiful.  Really... blue."  He was running out of adjectives.  "Blue" seemed to be the only thing the ocean and Bulma had in common.

"Beautiful?"  Vejita scoffed.  "Not the word I would have chosen.  It's unpredictable - just when you think it's going to be calm, the water is choppy and rough.  But when you've prepared for the worst of storms, the ocean is surprisingly... gentle."  He stared out across the open water, a faraway gleam in his eyes.  "There is something about it, though," he conceded, his voice gruff.  "I suppose I have to give you that, Kakkarott."

Goku didn't respond.  He wasn't really sure what to say to that, and he was frankly amazed that Vejita was speaking to him with such a low level of hostility.

But after a short pause, Vejita continued.  "The duration of my time on earth is short, I know, but I've heard humans talk about 'the call of the sea' - how she pulls a man in.  There's mystery, definite allure, and..."  His voice grew softer.  "And a depth that, just by looking at the surface, you could never imagine was there."

Goku smiled.  "Gosh, Vejita, we just had a real conversation!  You must really like talking about the ocean."  Though he was disappointed his plan to make Vejita think more about Bulma had failed, he still considered Vejita's new openness to be progress.

Vejita grunted.  "Yes, Kakkarott, the ocean."  With a huff of breath, he stood.  "You know, I'm disinclined to agree with you just on principle, but it seems as though that miniscule brain of yours finally managed to come up with something right."  He stared out once again across the sea, but it was not water that he saw.  "Yes.  I think...  Beautiful is the perfect word."


-written 16 July 2007

one-shot, effect, dragonball z, written mid-07, canon pairing, incomplete, general, author approved, conversation

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