A "Romantic" Dinner

Jul 13, 2007 19:41

Dragonball Z   piece of long one-shot

Bulma shook her head, realizing that she would probably never truly understand what went on in Goku's child-like mind.  What were his motivations?  What was his ultimate goal?  At any rate, it couldn't hurt just to go the the dinner.

So she took a long, luxurious bath - with deliciously warm water, and big, frothy bubbles.  Then she dried and fixed her hair and pulled on a tight navy-blue dress.  As she got ready, she once more tried to puzzle out Goku's mysterious motives.  She got into her air-car and headed to the restaurant.  It was unusually fancy - and expensive - for Goku, so he must be acting on someone else's order or recommendation.

Once she walked into the restaurant and asked for a reservation under "Son", she was led to a table, where she saw Goku and -

"Vejita!" she said, rather more loudly than she had intended to.  "What the hell are you doing here?"

He scowled murderously and looked towards Goku.  "I think," he said slowly, "that I'd like to ask you the same question."  Goku grinned sheepishly.

"Um...  why don't you sit down, Bulma?"  He smiled and gestured to the empty seat across from Vejita.  "This'll be a great dinner!"  She did sit down, and took that opportunity to take a look at her two companions.  Goku, she was completely unsurprised to see, wore his usual orange training gi.  He looked out of place and oblivious (as always).  Vejita, on the other hand, was dressed very nicely - a button-down shirt and black slacks.  She supposed she should have guessed he would dress nicely; he was royalty, and he took great pride in make sure everyone knew that he was better than they were.

"Son-kun," Bulma asked, "just what is going on here?  I thought you said you wanted my help planning a surprise for Chichi."

"And," Vejita said angrily, "you promised me that if I came to this ridiculous dinner you'd train with me until I reached Legendary."  His expression turned colder and his eyes narrowed dangerously.  "You didn't lie to me, did you Kakkarrot?"

"Um, n-no..."  He laughed, trying to dispell some tension.  "I just thought it would be nice if we could all get together for dinner!  Chichi says this restaurant is very romantic."

Bulma blinked at him stupidly.  "And that matters because... ?"

Vejita rolled his eyes.  He had been fed-up with Goku since the moment they had met, so he certainly wasn't in the mood to spend an evening with him and that witchy, blue-haired shrew.  "I don't think so, Kakkarrot.  I'm leaving."

"Wait!"  Goku stood to stop him, looking genuinely distressed at the thought of Vejita leaving.

-written 9 July 2007

It rained AGAIN today.  >.<  It stormed - pretty badly, too.  Actually, VERY badly.  Our power was knocked out (has been for HOURS), but my dad hooked up our generator so our food wouldn't go bad and we could have some fans.  Oh yeah, and the computer...  Ha ha ha.  *grins*



one-shot, humor, dragonball z, written mid-07, bizarro, romance, canon pairing, incomplete, general

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