Ahh Well... "ICOE" Chp. 14

Feb 19, 2007 01:49

If, as I suspect I have, I already replied to most of these reviews, then I suppose I've just wasted my own time - and no harm done, right?  But I can't help it.  I have to show my gratitude somehow!  *wink*  Heh heh heh.

Starting From the Beginning (All that time ago):

LuvinAniManga: (9/14/06) First off, thanks for the review!  Heh.  Yes, it WAS short...   I'm glad you thought chapter 13 was okay.  After I wrote it, I realized that it could so easily be misinterpreted - and it really served an important purpose.  Heh.  However!  Now that chp. fourteen has been augmented...  Well, I think it works a little better.  Heh.  And I fear I'll only grow busier.  Ugh.  All my classes are WRETCHED and I just can't get a break.  Heh.  I dread college next year...   *sigh*  But anyway!  Thanks so much for the review!  Hopefully, Seto/Anzu shall always stay a healthy fandom - I know I'll do my part!

dragoneyes5000:  Thanks for the review!  *gulp*  Heh - can't blame you for forgetting about this - it was on the back burner for SUCH A LONG TIME.  However, updates shall be coming much quicker!  Thanks again.

Almandine-Azaleea: Thank you so much for reviewing!  Oh, you are too kind.  Hee.  Yes, Arisa's grandmother shall play a small part later in the fic.  Heh.  (I LOVE Honda and Arisa much more than I should, I do have to admit.  Heh.)  I don't think that the grandmother is coming in the story until post-chp. 24, but I'm looking forward to the possible misinterpretations that shall arise when Honda attempts to communicate to her in her native language.  Bwa ha ha.  *wink*  And oh - my dearest little Mokuba.  Heh heh heh.  How he amuses me.  I love writing him!  I really can see him as a little bit of a playboy.  Heh.  Ahh well.  Thanks again for the review!

Mimi: Thank you so much!  Hee.  I really appreciated the review, and your words were very encouraging!  It's nice to know that you liked chapter 13.  It was a bit of a "wild card" chapter, I'll admit.  Hopefully, with chapter fourteen, things are getting back into gear, the plot shall fall more firmly into place - and I might even be able to make the chatpers longer!  Heh.  Thanks again!

Starian Princess:  Aww, thank you!  The chp. 13 encouragement means a lot to me.  Heh.  And yes...  I do tend to try to go a different way from what's expected, but...  *laughs*  Actually, crazy plots just come to my mind and it's all I can do to keep up with them and try to fill in all the holes.  I think chapter fourteen's a little better now that I've lengthened it - might advance things, maybe explain things a bit better, too.  Anyway, thanks again - always appreciated!

the-hinotori:  Heh.  *looks sheepish*  Yes, this...  Well, it was abandoned for an awfully long time, wasn't it?  Heh.  Yes, after re-reading it and realizing that it wasn't "LOTRATA" and it really didn't have to be funny, I felt a lot better about writing it.  I can now proudly say that I'll be updating much more frequently now.  Thanks for the review!

kittydemon18: Heh heh heh.  Oh, your review amused me.  If you're ready for Sakura to make a move...  Well, chapter fifteen should definitely please you.  However, he doesn't get rid of her just yet.  Unfortunately, she's got one more part to play.  Maybe later in the fic, though - ya never know!  Hee.  Oh, and YES - Honda will definitely be attempting to learn a few choice French phrases.  I anticipate much comic relief coming from his feeble attempts...  Heh.  If it isn't obvious, I do like Honda, so it won't be too bad for him.  Hee.  Thanks again - and if you want a quick update...  Well, chp. 15 should be there already!

XxSexiItxX: Yah!  Thank you so much!  *beam*  Oh, your review was very nice!  Hee.  Thanks again - I appreciate it.  Anyway...  Chp. 15 is already up if you're interested...  Hope it's good!

drkmagiciangrl25: Hee.  Thanks for the review!  Yes, at long last, this story was dusted off and my mind is quite ready to start thinking up a storm for it.  Heh.  Chp. 15 is up already, actually, so...  heh.  I'm going to try to update regularly.  Thanks again!

LeafeKnight7:  Thanks for the review!  Hee hee.  Yes, that many chapters.  I really wanted to take on a basically novel-length project, and I thought hey!  this is as good as anything to work with.  I still have a few ideas and surprises up my sleeve, so I think it'll be enjoyable.  Hee.  Chp. 15's up if you're interested.  Thanks again!


Gosh, reviews are great!  You guys rock.  Thanks so much - to everyone!



azureshipping, yugioh, response, icoe

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