Need a Title for This Bit

Feb 01, 2007 16:09

Yugioh   Sevenfold, bit 21 - Yellow: Gluttony

Anzu sat on her couch, dejectedly staring at the box in her lap.  The white card attached to it read "To Anzu, from your Secret Admirer".  The big, bright yellow ribbon seemed to mock her.

She was not happy.

Now usually any girl would be delighted to receive a box - most likely filled with rich, decadent chocolates - from a flattering member of the sterner sex.  However, Anzu only had one boy that she wished to receive chocolates from, and after the all-too-revealing phone call she just had with him, he had not been the one to send it.

Yugi only saw her as a friend.  He would never see her as anything but a friend.

"I suppose I shouldn't blame you," Anzu muttered, fingering the ends of the big, floppy bow.  "You're just a box.  It isn't your fault Yugi-kun didn't send you."  She sighed and picked up the card again.  "Secret admirer, huh?  I hope this isn't someone's sick idea of a joke."  She turned the card over; the company's name was listed, along with their address.  She sighed again.  "No clues at all.  Oh well.  Time to see what's inside!"

So Anzu carefully untied the bow.

The yellow, satin ribbon fell away from the box.  The package really was beautiful - the dark, rick brown of the box contrasted nicely with the bright, warm yellow of the ribbon.  She gently took the lid off.

"Wow," she breathed, her eyes wide.  Inside the box, eleven beautifully crafted pieces of chocolate lay nestled in their neat little crinkle-paper cups.  And each one was shaped like a different duel monster.

"This is amazing," she said to herself.  "They almost look... real!  But why are there only eleven?"  She picked up the empty paper cup.  In small, silver letters it read: "The Blue-Eyes White Dragon".  Anzu snorted.  "Of course, I should have known.  Jounouchi-kun's trying to make me feel better; Yugi must have told him that I had been acting weird lately, and he already knew how I felt about Yugi..."  She sighed again, but then couldn't help but giggle.  "And still he hates Kaiba enough that he can't even let the boy's favorite monster be in my chocolate."

She picked up the piece of chocolate shaped like the dark magician.  "Well...  Here's hoping you taste as good as you look."

And as she bit into it, she realized that not only did it taste as good as it looked - it tasted better.  She had never tasted chocolate so divine in all her life.  It was rich and creamy, melting on her tongue like it had been that well crafted just to one day be eaten by her.  And it tasted so pure - like chocolate was truly supposed to taste.  So pure, in fact, that as soon as she had finished the first piece she immediately began working on the other ten.

And she kept eating, piece after piece, until the whole box was empty and her stomach was very full.  She sat back contentedly, sprawled on her couch, her hand on her belly and the box at her side.

"Wow," she muttered again.  "That was good.  I can't believe I ate it all."


>.<  Blargh.  Is that it?  Should there be more?  I do not know.  I mean, I tried to make it obvious who gave her the chocolate, but would it work better if SHE found out?  I just don't know...   Heh.



azureshipping, gluttony, yellow, complete, one-shot, multi-chp. piece, yugioh, written early-07, romance, sevenfold

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