Okay, This Crosses Into Obsession

Jan 28, 2007 14:56

Yugioh  from chp. 3/4 of "ATTIC"
no pairing

"Oh, don't worry," he said mock-kindly.  "I wouldn't leave you without some sort of memento."  he held up a Duel Monsters card - one that was completely blank.  "You see?  I'll just take her body - " he tightened his grip on Anzu's hair, causing her to whimper slightly - "and leave you..."  He smirked maliciously.  "Her soul."

And with a puff of smoke and a flash of blinding light, both he and Anzu disappeared.

Jounouchi was the first to recover, blinking away the spots in his eyes that the flash of light had left.  With a roar, he rushed up the stairs, hoping against all odds that he could catch up to them and get Anzu back.

"Jounouchi, wait!" Yugi called.  "They're...  They'll already be gone."

-written 8 January 2007

Story Notes (spec. this chapter):  I wrote this without really thinking the chapter all the way through.  Hmm...  Yes, I know that this will be included, but I think that I want when he and Anzu disappear to be the very end.  That'll be really dramatic!  Hee.  I still have to write all the stuff where they meet up with Kaiba and they sign in and then ED sort of introduces himself...  this comes at the very end (obviously).  Heh.  This story is REALLY throwing me for a loop - it keeps changing on me.  It was originally going to be an Azureshipping fic, but now I'm not so sure.  I think I'm going to have one scene with them, but that'll probably be it.  And... for some reason, I see a cave being involved, but I have no idea how to work that in.  *laughs*



other, multi-chp. piece, yugioh, written early-07, action, attic, story notes

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