Oct 15, 2012 00:34


I'm so excited, kind anonymous writer, that you will be crafting a magnificent fic just for me. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE YOU SPLENDID HUMAN BEING. I have to say: I might come off as a little too specific in this, but I really tried to restrain myself. Just know that I am very bad at being general, so if you ignore my prompts entirely I won't care - I just provided them so you have some idea of the type of fic I like and so you'd have a starting point. I really want you to enjoy writing this, so please don't fret! I am super easy to please, really. So here! PLEASE LET ME GIVE YOU SOME SPECIFICATIONS, SHOULD YOU DESIRE THEM.

Parks and Recreation. Leslie Knope, Ann Perkins, Ron Swanson
How about a Parks zombie apocalypse (omg possibly raccoon zombies?!) AU, but really silly, and really fun, with goofy easy-to-kill zombies. Like maybe the Sweetums factory was poisoning the water supply with Unexpected Consequences.) As long as Leslie's there in some sort of leadership-like capacity, possibly with one of those green helmets with the fake leaves stuck on, still in one of her suits, you can include as many other zany Pawnee residents as you want. The whole Parks department, Jean-Ralphio, that guy from animal control, Joan Callamezzo, whatever. I would STRONGLY PREFER LITTLE GORE. Like blood's fine, and maybe if it's comical, like a zombie whose ear falls off, but. I know there are zombies, and maybe one gets Jerry (with false teeth or something so he doesn't become a zombie, please! or something comparable to that), but no heavy violence, please.

If that's not to your liking, how about a Ron x Ann or Leslie x Ann awkward romance type fic? (You can find more info in my DYA letter)

I've wanted the fic above for awhile now, so even though I worry it's a little too specific, I thought I'd request it on the off-chance anyone was interested. (I'm not crazy about Parks AUs that set the characters in really different universes. I love Pawnee, so canon divergence is fine, but other than that I'd prefer non AU. And I don't really like crossovers, either, though if you know it's a fandom I'd like I guess go ahead.) And one of the reasons is that it's a scenario that does my favorite thing for the show - exploring the characters and how they interact, even in bizarre circumstances. All the people in Pawnee are such characters - they're all memorable, and we have so many different kinds of people. And I love how the main cast all care about each other. Tom and Donna with yearly Treat Yo' Self. Leslie and Ron's fantastic friendship. I love this show, and I love these characters, and I can pretty much assure you that I'd love reading about them no matter what form the fic takes.

If you don't want to write gen - or feel like catering to my shippy whims - then I would love an Ann x Ron fic. I love how awkward they are together, and how Ann's a little put-off by Ron, unsure how to interact with him. And I think he would be great for Ann.

Or I'd love Ann x Leslie. I LOVE THIS PAIRING SO, SO, SO MUCH. Maybe with Ann slowly realizing she has feelings for Leslie. Or some cute cuddle time. If you want to go with a higher rating, like PWP or just sex, then I'd like it playful and kind of vanilla. I want a super-serious Leslie and an Ann who finds her slightly off-putting but mostly super, super adorable. I'd take an Ann x Leslie x Ben fic, too, actually. I'm seriously not picky. After the newest episodes I even ship Ben x April. Hell, I think a one-sided Jean-Ralphio/Donna fic would be fantastic, maybe where he tries to woo her and then finally Donna caves and totally blows his mind.


Sakamichi no Apollon. Sentaro, Kaoru, Ritsuko
Threesome fic, y/y? See DYA for, you know. Actually detailed details. I'm cool with whatever rating and though my preference is ~romance~ I'm down for gen, too. Just make me FEEL ALL THE THINGS. The characters are so interesting and dynamic, and they are bonded by music - which I find not only interesting, but it's really personally resonant, too. I want exploration. I want to see a moment where the three of them are happy, whether that's the end of the series, or sometime during, whatever you like. Bittersweet is okay, but I'd prefer nothing too angsty.

I LOVE THESE THREE, OKAY. Guh. This series just packs such an emotional punch for me. Every episode: I'm glued to the screen, clutching my pearls. ...well, figuratively. I really like slice of life stories, and I love how heavily music features in the series. The bond that's formed between Kaoru and Sentaro is just amazing and so, so captivating - and the strength of that bond. Like how important they are to each other? Just blows me away. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE END. Talk about a punch in the gut. I just... I don't know, I love the idea that when you care for someone that strongly, when the bond is that strong, you carry them with you forever. So if you want to have a fic set right when they meet up again after the eight years, I'd love that. I mean, seriously, if the three of them just started making out I would probably be happy. Also, yes, I know Sentaro became a priest, so I don't expect any sexy stuff (tbh I WOULDN'T MIND AT ALL THOUGH AHEM AHEM). I'd definitely take friendshippy, too. It's just... Wow I ship them together. All three of them. So hard. I ship Sentaro x Kaoru and Sentaro x Ritsuko, but I have a much harder time shipping just Kaoru x Ritsuko together because of the last episode. If you do want to have it be Kaoru x Ri'ko scented then please please please don't gloss over what happened. If you want to have it set before Sentaro runs away, that's fine, too. OOH! One of my very, very, very favorite tropes is slow, subtle romance. Like. Sensuality. HAND TOUCHING. Playing music together that is really having sex. Unacknowledged but mutual attraction. That is my favorite.


Community. Annie Edison, Abed Nadir, Troy Barnes, Jeff Winger
I'd prefer something light-hearted and comedic, maybe a goofy rom-com type fic. Preferred pairings would be Annie x Jeff (number one choice), Annie x Abed, Abed x Troy, or Annie x Abed x Troy. (More specific prompts if you want/need them in my DYA letter.) I'd prefer less angst over more, though I'm not a huge fan of pure fluff, and sap isn't my thing at all. If you want to write gen, that's fine, though I'd prefer maybe an emphasis on Annie, if so? Or, if you wanted to go full-on zany group adventure, that would be fine; I wouldn't mind a hilarious fic of that kind. Annie and Abed are by far my favorite characters, jsyk.

First off, I requested this hoping for a fic with ~romance~ but I'd be perfectly happy with genfic, too. I'd be equally happy with any of the pairings I listed, but my favorite is Jeff x Annie. I understand that the age difference bothers some people, though, so like I said - any would be fine. Annie is my favorite character, though; she's one of my favorite characters ever, so I would prefer to have her in the story, if at all possible. I would love a fic similar to "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design" where Jeff and Annie have to work together towards something - maybe somebody's up to something and they have to figure out what? Perhaps the return of Annie Kim! A nefarious scheme by Chang? The dean being suspicious and shifty? Or if you want zany group adventures, that would be fine, too. Britta x Troy would be fine; hey, maybe somebody decides they need to get together or break up and the rest of the group hatches a plan to do that. Or, it would be great to see a fun fic, maybe a 5 times fic featuring cliches. OH! Or, if you want to indulge my Jeff x Annie leanings, how about either how they get together or a look at their relationship (intimate or platonic, though obvs the former is my preference) through the eyes of one (OR ALL?!) of the others? That would be fantastic. Or a fic about something (idk what) through Abed's eyes, in the style of a screenplay or told through scenes or cliches or tropes or pop culture references. That would be really, really cool.

AHH! OR OR OR! If you feel like you've got a really good handle on the characters' voices, something with an epistolary element would be amazing. Like seriously there would be squealing. I wouldn't like the whole fic in letters/texts/e-mails/what have you, but I mean. If that's what inspires you, then go ahead. I just think that Community could offer a lot of really great material for something like this. Like maybe a series of e-mails they all send to each other. Who's the one who always sends out the cute animal videos? Does Abed visit TV tropes? How often does Troy replace random words in Wikipedia articles with the word "butt?" Does Britta intend to send a link to a charity she wants the group to look at but ends up sending a link with a piece of her embarrassing internet history instead? Does Pierce need Troy to write his e-mails for him? OH! Or maybe Annie's studying abroad in Europe and all the group corresponds with her about what they've been doing. I don't mean to suggest I want either of those specifically, those are just a jumping off point. I'll be happy with whatever.


Persona 3. Akihiko Sanada, Mitsuru Kirijo
I have no specific prompt for this, really, and if you want to include Shinji that would be fine. I just love, love, love these two individually or as a couple. Mitsuru is so in-charge and an enormous favorite thing of mine is women in charge and the men who serve them, so. I love P3 in its entirety, too, so if you want to set it before the game, during, after, or maybe during/after P4 arena, that would be fine. I just want some subtle Akihiko x Mitsuru moments; like maybe hand touching! Or loaded silences! Or an almost kiss that they never get to have because it's time to go fight shadows.

Like I said in my prompt, any Mitsuru x Akihiko would be fantastic. If you wanted to go Mitsuru x Akihiko x Shinji that would be cool. I also ship Shinji x Akihiko, Shinji x female protagonist, Yukari x male protagonist, and sometimes Yukari x Mitsuru. Mitsuru is my favorite character, so I'd definitely love to see her. I'm not terribly picky about what happens in the fic; if you want a really atmospheric piece, with romance as backdrop that would be cool. If you want to explore what they do after they leave school that would be fine. OR! IF YOU WANT TO INDULGE ME~ Ohoho. I would love a fic that explores a physical relationship between Akihiko and Mitsuru - and yeah, I'm thinking sex, but that's by no means a necessity. Maybe fighting together? Being totally in-tune? Hand touching?! FACE TOUCHING?! Actually, I would love, love, love to see a fic that shows a moment right after they have sex. I would love to see - Akihiko helping Mitsuru dress. Like maybe lacing up her boots, helping tie or button something sort of thing, while Mitsuru gives orders or talks about what they're going to do for SEES, or something like that. (Also I would prefer them at least as old as they are in the game, like 17 or 18.) You could describe the feel of the fabric, her hair brushing against his fingers - just a juxtaposition of getting all buttoned up and neat again after something messy and chaotic. Maybe Mitsuru puts on her lipstick and kisses him and it smears, red as blood, in a messy arc across his cheek? Maybe her nails are so sharp they almost pierce the skin, and he can see the indentations on his arm, feeling the scratches down his back? idk, just something sexy and tactile, I guess. If you want to set this in a more plotty fic, or include the sex and make it PWP that would be fine. OH! Or if you want reunion sex after they meet up again during/after p4 arena that would be awesome, too.


Some of my favorite tropes and things are:

• narratives about free will/freedom/choice/breaking away to make your own decisions, have your own life/learning to think for yourself
• queens and their right-hand men
• journey narratives / wandering / yes occasionally including sea narratives, though honestly I prefer sea narrative type stories on space ships, i.e. something like Cowboy Bebop or Firefly
• delicious, plotty case!fic, esp when characterization is not sacrificed
• episodic stories (omg roadtrip fic IS MY ADDICTION)
• brothers-in-arms, fighting the same war, war narratives - soldiers in love, but that means nothing because they're soldiers and there's no time and it's the wrong moment
• falling in love at the wrong time in general, unacknowledged - BECAUSE THEY CAN'T THERE'S NO TIME, SACRIFICE! FOR THE GREATER GOOD! SECRET LONGING! - mutual attraction
• ~forbidden love~
• the slow, slow build of romance
• stories are the most important things in the world
• perfomance/performativity
• tactility
• LAUGHING! humor in general
• group dynamics / FAMILY DON'T END WITH BLOOD / learning to care about the group you've made/been forced into by circumstance
• how-they-got-together fic
• first time fic

I can also give you a list of kinks if you want to write NC-17 stuff.

• non-consensual sex (dub-con, such as both partners being intoxicated, or something like sex pollen is okay - just... tread the line carefully. While it's obviously not full, enthusiastic, sober consent, I can handle situations like that. I absolutely don't want to read someone forced into a sexual situation. People getting drunk and fucking is okay; someone getting someone drunk to take advantage of them is not.)
• major character death
• drama filled love triangles (as my prompts might indicate, a relatively jealousy-free relationship between more than two people is okay)
• gross problematic stuff the narrative excuses

If there's anything else, um. I guess you can check out my journal? Or my tumblr here. Actually, yeah, my tumblr would probably be a good place to look.

yuletide, dya letter

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