Y ♥ A ♥ Y (also: hiatus over)

Jul 12, 2012 11:45

We got a new kitten! She is adorable! :D I do still exist! XD I've been hanging out with my best friend a lot lately because she's moving (actually into my complex, tro lo lo) and needs help packing and all that good stuff. Plus we've been sharing music and re-watching for the nth time Cowboy Bebop. I don't know how, but I forgot how much I loved Bebop. Like... really, really loved, because as we're watching, and we marathon so we watch several episodes at one time, I just can't help but get super absorbed and super excited and ugh I love Spike and I love Faye and I love the themes of identity and they're all wanderers and it's amazing and if you have never watched the show, GO DO IT NOW. Um. Yes.

Here is a video of my kitty (a while ago, she's bigger now) chasing her tail!

And here is a photo:

boring random hannah happenings, nar nar, piccage

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