Very Large Writing Dump~

Mar 10, 2012 00:52

I actually have things going on in my life! Ahh! I will post a better entry later! For now, some things I've been working on:


“So... what are you exactly?” Dean lets his fingers run through the thin layer of silty dust on the cold stone, looking down at his nails and then back up to the man’s face. He was hard to see in the dark, and Dean didn’t really try to stop his eyes from wandering to the guy’s wings.

Even though Dean couldn’t see him, it wasn’t hard to imagine his face scrunched up: priggish and insulted. “Why would I be anything?” he asked. “I’m a person.”

“I don’t know,” Dean said. He gestured up and down the man’s body with a quick flick of his hand. “There are, the, uh... You know. You’re flying. Like right now. You have wings.”

He waited a beat before responding. “I hope you won’t hold that against me.”

Dean laughed. The guy fluttered a little, dipping briefly before his wings beat hard, once, lifting him up again. “Fuck, you’re dry, aren’t you” he said. He leaned further into the turret’s ledge, putting his weight on his elbows. Even if the guy was something to be worried about - and whatever he said about being a person, Dean wasn’t dismissing the possibility that he was an asshole monster just trying to get him off his guard - he was about a hundred times better than the tedium that awaited him back in the ballroom. He’d let Sam deal with that: deal with the courtiers and dancing and the roomful of people who were pretending to be happy to see him. “Why are you here, anyway?”

The guy turned his head for half a second, unconsciously, in a gesture Dean reads as embarrassed or evasive. “I have wings,” he said, “which you have just remarked upon. They make it... difficult to be around others. Where else would I be?”

Anywhere else, Dean thought, but he didn’t say it. Nearly the entire kingdom - at least all the people wealthy enough to afford to come, Dean heard Sam’s voice reminding him in its bitchiest tone - had come to the festival, so maybe that was why the guy was lurking around the castle. “What,” Dean asked, grinning at him through the dark, “you wanted to come to the ball?”



“This is really good,” Dean said, his cheek bulging with half-chewed bread.

“I know,” Cas said, not looking up from the dough he was kneading. “You shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.”

“I’m a prince,” Dean reminded him, cuffing him on the shoulder with one half-cocked fist. He took a second to swallow. “I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

If Castiel didn’t realize that his future well-being depended largely on being in his good graces he might have tried to argue. Instead he just sighed.

“So, hey,” Dean said, “why didn’t you come to the party last night?”

“I wasn’t aware I was invited.”

“I said everyone, didn’t I? In the kingdom.” He waved his hand expansively and Cas glanced over his shoulder. Dean didn’t see him looking, though, and Cas turned back with another sigh. “So, yeah. You were invited.”

It’s really remarkable to Castiel, trained from birth to play politics and keep traditions, that Dean so readily throws them out the window. Should Sam make the decision they all fear he will, Cas is not sure if Dean will be a brilliant king or a terrible one.

“I met somebody there,” he continued, already too used to Castiel’s reticence. “And not in, like, a how-you-doing princess kind of way.” He tears off another strip of bread and shoves it into his mouth. It does not, Castiel thinks, look particularly becoming. “It was a guy. You’ll never believe this; a guy with wings.”

Something hot rises in his throat, tightening it to the point speech becomes difficult. “Oh?” he says, after Dean stands for a few seconds in anticipation. “You’re right. I don’t believe it.”

“No, I swear.” Dean steps over to the counter where Cas is working and leans against it. He grins. “Guy with wings. I had to get out of there, you know? It got too crowded so I figured I’d just leave all the talking and shit to Sam and wandered out to the north tower. And he was just... floating there. Like he’d wanted to come in but knew he was too much of a freak.”

Yes, Castiel thought, that was exactly why. The word - freak - hurt, but only marginally; not because Cas was personally offended - or not really, he told himself, but because of the reminder that he could never be himself again, that his life had irrevocably changed. He could never go back.

“I thought he might be some sort of monster at first - maybe a creature from the forest that just looked like a guy. Because how the hell did he ever get wings? But he didn’t try anything, and he seems like he’s telling the truth.” He laughs bitterly. “God, my dad would have a fucking cow if he heard me. Dean, where’s your head?” he asked rhetorically, pitching his voice low. “You can’t explain it, then you can’t trust it.”

Cas’ wings twitched under his coat and he took in a long breath before responding. “I’m sure your father would be right,” he said. “Though, if you were really that curious about them, you should have just asked him.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Dean said.

Full Detailed Summary:

The story starts in the kingdom where Cas lives. To parallel both the crazy incestuous king and his dead wife, as well as the angels and god being missing, I’m just going to have the kingdom ruled by a queen that died under mysterious circumstances. Lucifer - who some suspect as her murderer - has taken the throne after her death and he rules with much less leniency than she ever did. I haven’t decided if all the angels - Cas and Gabriel and Anna and Michael, Balthazar, Uriel, Zachariah, etc. - are all related or if they just all live in the castle, but at least Cas and Anna are going to be siblings. And there’s starting to be a lot of unrest. The country was already sort of militarized, but after Lucifer took the throne the troops got more ruthless, and more chaotic. One of his biggest opponents is Michael, obviously, who doesn’t think his brother is fit to rule. Now, the queen was really, really beloved, and so a lot of the subjects want a ruler more like her. Michael sort of champions this idea, and there’s this idea that no one could ever be as wonderful as she was - and certainly not someone like Lucifer (who probably will be her step-son or something). But, because Lucifer is a little crazy he sees this as an opportunity to ruin Michael once and for all. Because Michael still believes in doing what he’s supposed to, in following the law to the letter, and there’s never been any definitive proof that Lucifer killed the queen. So Lucifer says that if only someone who is as worthy as the queen can rule, that means Michael’s out, too. But, he says, there is one person: her daughter, Anna. So if Michael wants to rule, he has to marry Anna. And of course he doesn’t want to - and he tries to fight Lucifer on it, but when he does, Lucifer just makes it a decree that Michael has to marry Anna. And at this point, it comes out that Lucifer hasn’t just been sitting around letting things go to hell, he’s been busy. He has his own private army, he’s got people loyal to him - and a lot of the support Michael thought he’d have just isn’t there. It’s an incredibly unpopular decree, and one that no one but Lucifer really wants, but he’s too powerful to oppose. So Anna goes to Cas, asks him to help. They get advice from Gabriel and Balthazar, and decide to pretend to go along with it so Lucifer won’t have Anna killed (which is kind of an upside to his plan, should they try to stop it). So, taking from the fairytale, Anna’s going to ask for gifts. The first will be the donkey skin (or something analogous to that) made into a coat. Then! For the three dresses, I haven’t exactly decided how to play that. The first two might be dresses, but the the third dress - the final request - Lucifer is really, really impatient and ready to see if they’re going to try to stop him or submit to his demand, so when Anna asks for a dress that encompasses the entire sky, Lucifer is instead going to do some sort of crazy magic spell and try to give her wings so she be in the sky always. Something either goes wrong, or Anna freaks out, or Cas just gets in the way (or maybe Lucifer knew Cas was sympathetic to her and wanted to try to subdue her through him, and outright targets Cas) and so Cas is the one who gets the wings. At this point, Anna is so horrified that she doesn’t know what to do, and she knows Lucifer’s at the end of his patience, so she agrees to the marriage and Lucifer sets it for the next day. So Cas is hurt and they all gather to try to heal him, and Anna knows they have to leave immediately. Gabriel agrees to help distract Lucifer and his guards and give them a cover story so they can get out of the kingdom, so Anna and Cas pack up and go. Cas’s new wings make him really remarkable and after a day or so of traveling (maybe several days?) they hear that Cas is supposed to have “kidnapped” Anna. So he has to wear the coat to not only disguise his wings but also his identity in general. They didn’t really have a plan, but now they know they have to decide on a destination, so they decide to seek asylum in a nearby kingdom - the newly crowned king owes Cas a favor because Cas once saved his life. The king is Dean, obviously. And even though Cas can’t reveal who he is, he’s pretty sure that Dean will have sympathy for Anna’s plight and help her and the servant - Cas’ disguise! - that she brings along. So they wind up at the castle Winchester, where there’s another bit of upheaval going on. John Winchester recently died, and Dean - his oldest son - is acting as king in his place until something can be finalized. Because even though Dean was the oldest there was always uncertainty as to which of the brothers would actually take up the crown. And Adam, an illegitimate son, has just stepped forward, and Dean doesn’t even want to be king but Sam’s off canoodling with some new girl he met (Ruby, who may or may not be a spy for Lucifer! I have not decided if I want to include that subplot or not), so the responsibility for sorting all the mess out falls on his shoulders. He’s heard the rumors of the lost princess, but he’s never trusted Lucifer, or maybe just that kingdom in general, so even though he’s not sure he trusts her, he agrees to give Anna and Cas - who will probably use an alias, like Jimmy, I haven’t decided - a place to stay. Anna’s a guest there, since she’s a princess, but because Cas is still a wanted fugitive, and also he feels like he’s deformed, he keeps his identity a secret and takes a job working in the kitchens as a baker. Dean and Anna hit it off, but Dean knows if he marries her that’ll basically be declaring open war on Lucifer’s kingdom, and anyway Anna wants to be her own queen, not just some king’s wife. Dean and Cas hit it off, too, because Dean is the kind of person who doesn’t care about social status and likes the people who work in the castle a lot more than the stuffy nobles anyway. I also want to include hunting here, so there’ll probably be some sort of enchanted forest with lots and lots of monsters attacking the kingdom - it might be the barrier between Dean’s kingdom and Lucifer’s kingdom. That’s another reason Dean doesn’t want to be king; he’d rather do something like border patrol and help keep all the monsters at bay. (Also, the Ruby thing: haven’t decided if I want her in there. Maybe she’ll be a bit player, maybe I’ll have a juicy political plot that she’ll play a role in.) So Dean and Cas start getting closer, and Cas of course wishes that he didn’t have to pretend to be someone else - and then for some reason, possibly because the Winchester brothers worked out who was going to be king, or it’s Sam’s birthday, or maybe Dean just killed a big monster or something, but there’s a big festival with parties for several nights. Anna gets to wear her fancy dresses and attend; Cas doesn’t really care about it, but after his work is done he’s sort of kicked out of the kitchens to make room for all the extra servers and workers, so he takes the opportunity to literally stretch his wings. And that’s how Dean meets Cas in his actual identity. And they meet each night there’s a ball, because Dean sneaks away from the crowds and everything, and they talk at the top of a tower. Now, here’s where things get messy, because I might just end on a happy - they found love! - note, or maybe have Lucifer and Michael fighting, and that fight bleeds into other kingdoms, or maybe have them fighting each other and the Winchesters trying to get Anna back, and there’s the question of what role Anna might play, and if the enchanted forest has any significance. So there’s a bit of a hazy section, but then! Dean realizes that the cute winged guy and his friend in the kitchens are one and the same, and so Sam decides to be king and Dean and Cas get to go fight monsters together. Essentially.

BETTER OUTLINE - part 3 onwards (I may adjust how the parts are split up though)

Okay, so I already have a lot of the main ideas. But! I really, really need to decide how Ruby fits into things, how the magic thing fits into it, if Mary and John’s deaths had anything to do with anything, if there’s any Dean/Anna romance, and how to fit the Cinderella element in. (Well, actually, for that last one, I thought I’d use a feather. I mean... It’s one thing finding a beautiful girl whose finger fits a ring, but it’s another looking for a guy with wings. Chances are if you’ve found one guy with wings, you won’t have to look any further.) Okay, so Cas and Anna are at the palace. Good. Right. Got that far. Now what? I want to make sure I don’t copy that other donkeyskin fit too closely, so I won’t have like a Ruby/Sam marriage plot. But I do want Ruby to feature in it. At least some. Erm. I also want her to sort of be a spy for Lucifer? But not. I don’t want her to be like unquestionably “bad” or anything. So... maybe some sort of plot involving class? Like she’s not a noble or anything so she knows what it’s like to be poor and wanting and so that’s where she’s coming from? That’s what she’s working towards? I mean Lucifer’s not really evil in this fic, he’s just... power hungry. So, uh. I don’t know. I think I want her to recognize Anna or vice versa. I need to decide how that’ll play out - because surely someone will realize who Anna is pretty immediately, especially since Anna looking like her mother was sort of very important at the beginning of the story. Anyway, though. I don’t know. Okay, also need to decide how Dean and Cas fall in love. In the original story, the prince doesn’t even know who donkeyskin was at first - he peered in and saw her lovely and clean and in one of her dresses, and then he asked who lived there. But in this story, Dean and Cas have already met, so. Hmm. I guess Cas’ll work in the kitchen or something, though I’m not sure whether or not I want Dean to befriend him. I think so. Oh! Maybe he goes with Dean hunting. Because he knows the forest so well. Ooh, that’s a cool idea. So at first he’s just like Dean’s servant, but slowly they grow to be friends (oh god this will make the story EVEN LONGER) and then by the time the festival rolls around they’re pretty close even if they’ve never really acknowledged that. Oh! Hey, that can be how Ruby comes into play. She can realize who Cas is and sell him out or something. That’s an idea - I will definitely keep that in mind. But, yeah, so that’s how Dean and Cas get to be friends, and then at the festival Anna wears her gowns (she needs one more! hmm) and Cas goes flying - because it’s nighttime (I think I’ll him flying at night a regular thing - ahh! maybe even one hunting trip Dean wakes up and sees the coat on the ground) and the kingdom will all be busy at the festival or whatever, and that’s how Dean sees him as the winged guy. Will he recognize him as the guy who saved him? No, I don’t think so.

ann/leslie (the prompt was for leslie/ann roleplay as president and nurse - warnings for some pg-13 sexy stuff

Leslie raises one eyebrow. "I'm sorry? Are you trying to blackmail me, Nurse Perkins?"

("Leslie, what... ? Just call me Ann, it's - "

"Ann! No! You have to stay in-character.")

"Oh I am, President Knope. That's exactly what I'm doing." Leslie's sitting on the edge of a large, wingback chair, her hands folded in her lap. Ann walks over and straddles her, popping the first button on her dress open. "And if you don't want your dirty secret to get out, you better do exactly what I say."

("It was insider trading, Ann. Didn't you read the script I sent you?"

"You sent me naked pictures along with it, Les. I was... not really paying attention to the script.")

"The vice-president will be in soon," Leslie says. "We have a meeting." She runs her hands up Ann's sides, scratching lightly with sharp, red nails. Her voice lowers and she looks up, letting her hands slide down to Ann's thighs. "Name your price."

She'd planned to be a little more coy, draw it out a little longer, but it's too easy, feels too good to lean in and seal her mouth over Leslie's.

"Oh Nurse Perkins," she says, pulling away, one hand gentle on the nape of Ann's neck. "Are you suggesting we engage in an illicit affair, right here in the oval office during my very first term as president of the United States?"

She bites at Leslie's bottom lip, pushing the hem of her skirt up and slipping a hand between her legs. "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm suggesting."

"Oh Ann. You most perfect and beautiful of all slutty nurses." She pulls her in for another kiss, deeper.

okay, so this is for the lover100 prompt "thrust". title idea: drag, lift, and thrust. SO! Okay, so since my claim is dean/cas. boom. this could have been very dirty but I decided to make this one about flying. And then maybe later throw in some dirty stuff. anyway! The basic idea is that somehow, through whatever ~mysterious ways~ Dean gets wings. And then Cas teaches him to fly, but apparently angels like to play together, like flight tag, and it's really, really aggressive. So Cas is like dive-bombing him and chasing him and Dean's basically like a big baby bird and can't really take it. So, yes: basically an excuse for me to have aggressive strong Cas and maybe angry Dean who's much weaker than Cas in that respect. And then ahh, perhaps they take said power dynamic to the bedroom? Or probably not, but I really want to write Cas as basically a giant bird, so. Don't forget this, me!

idea incubator, ann/leslie, writing, dean/cas

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