An Interesting Tid-Bit

Jan 02, 2007 02:27

Yugioh!  "Sevenfold" bit 20, Yellow: Wrath

There was a duelist-only preliminary round first, they had said. In a few days they would fly out to join him, they had said.

But there was no dueling tournament, no preliminary round, and he was certain that they wouldn’t be flying out to join him because they must have known that the moment he saw them he was going to kill them. No one sent Kaiba Seto to a foreign country with no money, no connection to KaibaCorp. - and a suitcase full of... full of... Clothes of the very, very, very non-trench coat variety - unless they were ready and willing to suffer a drawn-out, painful death. Well, he had to mentally amend, no one but Mokuba - and Mazaki, apparently.

Perhaps death was a rather severe punishment, but holding up the loud, bright-yellow, hibiscus and parrot printed shirt Mokuba had provided him with... Well, their deaths seemed like the very least he could do. The lime green shirt that followed, while vaguely less offensive to any sense of style he had, only added fuel to his fire. As did the two sleeveless shirts - that Mokuba must realize he would never wear - the two pairs of blue and white bathing suits that were obviously supposed to serve as shorts, and the thonged sandals that, while obviously shoe-like, would not serve as proper cover for his feet at all.

Not to mention the nice little note telling him to have a good time and enjoy himself.

His traveling clothes were sweaty and wrinkled - and altogether completely uncomfortable. He would have to change if he wanted to go out, and he certainly wanted to go out - even if there wasn’t a dueling tournament to attend, Seto had no desire to be stuck in his hotel room all day. Which meant that is time for the hideously yellow, hibiscus and parrot printed shirt - that was as much a punishment to the ones who saw it as to the one wearing it - to finally make its first grand appearance in public. Paired with blue shorts and black flip-flops (that Seto was sure felt as cheap as they looked).

He took a quick shower to rid himself of the grime of his trip, then - quite reluctantly - put on the atrocious outfit his brother had packed for him.

It did not look good.

And just as he pondered the price of mirrors and whether the hotel would really mind if one broke, there was a knock on his door. Muttering words under his breath that only the most seasoned sailors knew, he stormed over and wrenched it open.

"What," he asked venomously, his voice dripping with acid and ill-temper, "do you want?"

The only thing the offending knocker did was meet his words with a cheery smile. "Aloha, Mr. Kaiba! Welcome to Grand Resort!" He held out an arm full of white, fluffy towels. "Is your room to your liking? I have towels if you need any!"

Seto stared at him, as though trying to decide which method of homicide would be the most effective.

The man’s smile widened. "And, as a very special treat..." His smile turned to a happy grin as he held up a plate and a large yellow pineapple. "I have pineapple! It’s complementary for our higher class guests. Would you like - "

"No." Seto glared. "I would not like any pineapple."

"That’s fine," the man said, his attitude far too chipper for someone receiving the sort of glare Seto was giving him. "And... the towels?"

Seto glared at them suspiciously before snatching them out of the man’s hand. "I suppose those might come in handy."

The man nodded. "Very good, sir! Well, if you need anything don’t hesitate to let us know! We are here to keep our guests as happy as possible." And with another 1000-watt smile and a wave, he was off down the hallway, whistling a merry tune as he went.

"Repulsive," Seto muttered as he shut the door. He shook his head and threw the towels on a chair by the door. If he was going out, then he might as well get going - with no wallet there was little he could do. In the pocket of his trunks, however, he had found a ticket for an island bus tour. Mokuba’s idea of "fun" obviously.

With a sneer, he headed out, hoping that his murderous urge would be curbed by the time he returned.

To his great dismay, it was only augmented.

The tour had been on a bus, and it had been hot. And unpleasant. And filled with bugs - and other tourists. If there was one thing Seto abhorred - apart from all the things he abhorred normally - it was tourists. They were noisy, ignorant, annoying, and there were always far too many of them.

He could have ignored the massive dose of humanity, however, had it not been for one irritating little instance - he had been recognized. So not only did he have people huddled around him in awe, he had them all asking for autographs and speaking to him as though he didn’t understand English. It would have been quite a bother under normal circumstances, but if any of those bastards had used a camera on him...

Well. He’d just be doing his part to stifle the over population.

So, with the proverbial storm clouds hovering over him, Seto made his way back to the hotel. Mokuba had, thank every ounce of good sense the boy had, set up a tab so Seto could, at least, eat. The hotel had a diner, a fancy restaurant, and a karaoke bar. Seto grabbed something from the diner - spam? What the hell was spam? - then headed directly back up to his room. Though he wasn’t any more pleased with his situation, his hunger was gone and - just to perk him up - he thought he had made the small boy who had run into him getting out of the elevator cry.

He had his cell phone, but it hadn’t done him much good - Mokuba had, apparently, told all the KaibaCorp. employees that he didn’t want to be disturbed, and they weren’t even to answer the phone if he called. However, Mokuba could be reached, and a good chewing out was exactly what Seto needed to cheer him up.

So he dialed the number and waited for the unsuspecting victim to answer.


Heh.  This is a really fun bit to write.  The yellow bit is, obviously, (or is it obvious?) the pineapple.  Heh - yes, that just might be coming up again later.  *wink*  Ahh!  And the hideous shirt - that's the yellow, too.  Both add greatly to Seto's "wrath".  I was thinking of situations - original, if at all possible - that would REALLY piss him off, and I came up with "Ahh!  What if Mokuba sends him to Hawaii without any money and with a suitcase full of ugly hawaiian shirts?"  And this is what that train of thought spawned.  Here's the basic outline for the rest of the bit:

Seto calls Mokuba, who only laughs at his brother's misfortune and claims not to know about any of it.  Heh.  During the phone call, another hotel worker knocks and offers him pineapple again.  He promptly blows up at her, and she scurries off, terrified.  Then Mokuba tells Seto that he and Anzu are coming out to join him later, and then the call finishes.  After wasting more time, Seto is bored out of his mind and decides to just give up the day as lost.  He goes down to the restaurant, has supper, then goes back to his room.  Heh.  He calls the front desk (or wherever) for a wake-up call, then prepares to go to bed.  Hmm...  he might take another shower or something.  Then, right when he's about to climb under the covers for some well-deserved rest, there's ANOTHER knock on the door.  He's about to fly off the handle, going to answer it, when he realizes it's from almost inside the room.  There's a connecting door he didn't see before, and he's about to KILL his neighbor for bothering him - and he yanks the door open and...

There's Anzu, wearing the skimpiest bikini he ever saw.  Yeah.  *laughs*  So, things go on from there...  And then, in the morning (since he forgot about his wake-up call), there's another knock.  He gets up, answers the door, and a third hotel employee is standing there, offering pineapple.  So Seto, fed up with the proferred fruit, yells - quite loudly in fact - "NO!  I DON'T WANT ANY FUCKING PINEAPPLE!"

And then the fic ends.  Hee.  I hope to finish it soon.  *beam*

That's all.  I'll try to write the rest of it soon.



azureshipping, yellow, one-shot, multi-chp. piece, humor, yugioh, wrath, story notes, incomplete, sevenfold

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