Quick Update

Jul 07, 2011 23:56

My apartment complex is very, very evil and believes in covering things up instead of fixing them.

So we have a bad mold problem. YAY.

This probably explains a lot of why I've had so many sinus problems and been getting sick more often. My roommate has it the worst, though, because she's been in and out of the doctor's for awhile trying to figure out what's wrong. And they finally figured it out! Mold poisoning. Blah. I feel so bad for her, but she's been really tough on the apartment, and they're actually taking care of it instead of just trying to paint over it or something.


I'm staying at Tom's for awhile. They're not giving us July's rent off (except for Sharon) - which would have been amazing, but what can you do? the mold's not in my bedroom and I didn't get sick - but we might get a... discount? Or if we have any overages on our electricity they might not charge us for that? They are the actual worst at giving us any pertinent information. But Sharon is being very serious because she is rightfully furious so I am sure that even if they can't tell me anything I'm sure she will.

This is my last month there, though. I still haven't found a place for when school starts, but. Ugh I can't really afford to live somewhere without a roommate but no one I know needs one and if I get someone I don't know then I will be a massive ball of anxiety and I really just can't deal with it. So it's basically between money or mental health. I'm going to take out a student loan for this next semester, and try try try to find a job. No luck yet, but I know somebody who could possibly know of a waitressing position and would put in a good word for me? I don't want to do that, to get a job because I know somebody, but I need money. For food and stuff.

All this HP frenzy is making me nostalgic. And making me miss HiH. A lot. I'm still a member I'm just... not on LJ that much anymore. Which I need to change.

tumblr is really really spoiling me with, ranting, rlr, life

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