
May 08, 2011 20:40

Well, I talked to my parents and they are fine with me going another semester if I need to. I'm actually really surprised because I expected at least a little bit of a freak-out, but. In retrospect I shouldn't have been surprised because my mother is one of the most understanding, tolerant people I know. She said if it meant I could get a minor, too, then maybe it would be a good idea. I don't know. I'm really... well, still up in the air about everything right now, but I'm trying to make myself think it through instead of just flipping out.

Oh, I'm SO EXCITED. Me and my friend Kat are planning on going to the Harry Potter theme park this summer! THIS IS LIKE A DREAM! XD We're going to drag Tom and her boyfriend along, but since they're not really into Harry Potter they'll probably hang out in the other parks while we scoot around fangirling wildly. HEEE. XD I'm really excited, if you couldn't tell. I mean... Well, it's not definite yet, because we have to work out lodging and money and all that, but I'm hoping that if I take the reigns and plan ahead and give everyone a good time and price estimate early, we'll be able to do it. I am so getting as much Claw stuff as I can, ha. Kat's a Hufflepuff, and funnily enough our friend Zee is a Slytherin. We don't really have a Gryff friend (except Jess, but she's more my friend than Kat or Zee's.) I want to find one so we can have a full set. Heh.

Anyway! Um. There was actually a point to this entry, but I lost it.

THIS WEEK IS FINALS WEEK! WISH ME LUCK! I have... two exams, I think, and three short mini-papers to finish. (Plus my two big ones I'm still working on, but ~handwave~)

ALSO. I got a wonderful AU idea for my deancasbigbang project. It's gen right now, and it involves Castiel being an author (that or professor=my biggest au!Cas weaknesses, aww yeah). But we shall see how it goes; I'd like to finally finish a Big Bang properly because I would really like the art, ha ha.

Have a good week, everyone! I'll try to update more frequently. Like a Doctor Who reaction post or something when I FINALLY get a chance to watch the new episodes.

i am feeling uncreative so no neat tags , plans, friends, writing, college, life

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