Sevenfold - word on next bit

Dec 21, 2006 23:22

Yes, I've actually done some work on this.  Heh.  Hopefully, it'll be done soon.  Phwee.  I have a little bit...  So here you go!  The title's still tentative, and the actual bit may be edited.  However...  I've held out long enough.  *laughs*  Originally (and still, sort of) this was supposed to be a follow-up to Red:Lust.  However, I'm not happy with that, and it really would work better if they hadn't just had that one encounter at Anzu's birthday party.  So!  I'm going to have to...  see.  Yes, I'll just make a decision, and hope it works.  Heh.  Hope it's good!  I've been busy, but now I'm free til January!

Yellow: Avarice

"You shouldn’t do that, Seto," Mokuba chided playfully. "Think of your health."

Seto turned to glare at his brother. "Do you think I really give a damn about my health?"

Mokuba sighed. "Well, with those twenty-FIVE hour days you pull, and the high stress position you have in the company..." He looked at his brother. "Would it really hurt to take better care of yourself?"

Just to spite his brother, Seto took another long drag of his cigarette.

Mokuba frowned. "I’m not kidding around Seto, that’s bad for you. And if I’m driving, then I get to say whether you smoke or not."

"Hey kid..." Seto looked at Mokuba, one eyebrow raised, daring him to say something else. "It’s my car."

Mokuba sighed, not up to fighting with his brother. "Fine Seto. But when your lungs fail you and you’re hospitalized for years, finally dying and leaving me to inherit your empire, then I’ll remember what you said."

Seto rolled his eyes. "Great. I’m looking forward to it."

Ten minutes later, they arrived at their destination: the Domino City Shopping Complex. Mokuba parked the car and they walked into the bustling building, ready to make their purchases. "So," Mokuba asked lightly, trying to tread carefully around his brother’s rather unpleasant mood. "What are you going to be buying today?"

Seto sighed. "A present for Jacqueline’s birthday."

Mokuba groaned. "What? And you drug me along? That’s true cruelty, Seto - true cruelty."

"Stop it. I thought you liked her."

"Well... Well I do, I guess, but that doesn’t mean I want to be here while you search for..." Here, he batted his eyes in the exaggerated impression of an infatuated female. "Perfect present."

"Shut the hell up," Seto commanded gruffly. "It’s her birthday - I can’t just get her a... a card or something. Apparently, it’s more meaningful to her if I pick it out myself."

"Super," Mokuba muttered sarcastically. "But she didn’t even ask for homemade? You could have set those priceless stones yourself."

"Yes," Seto said, trying to head off what he knew would lead to an argument, "she has expensive tastes. But I’m a very wealthy man." He glared at his brother. "It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Mokuba raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Mutually beneficial? Well I’ve got one thing to say, Seto... The sex must be great."

In an uncharacteristically charitable gesture, Seto ignored him.

The two men rode an escalator up to the second floor, and walked until they reached a small, tidy-looking jewelry store. "Why did we have to come here?" Mokuba grumbled. "The Kaiba name has power, and we’re obscenely wealthy - couldn’t you just have called in an order?"

"I know the owner." Seto said tersely. "He’s been retired for about twelve years and he only works on a few, select pieces himself. It’s best to see him in person."

They walked in and were immediately greeted by a thin, greasy-looking salesman. Mokuba didn’t bother listening to the exchange, and only barely noticed when a small, elderly looking gentleman walked out of the back room.

"You’ve come for something special then, have you?" Seto nodded and the man seemed to smile. He put a velvet box on top of the counter. "Here - have a look at these pieces then. My very finest." He opened the case, and three rows of dazzling jewelry winked back at all those gazing at them. "All right sonny," the man said, rubbing his wrinkled hands together. "Let’s see if you’ve got a good eye."

Seto scanned the array of necklaces, bracelets and rings casually. Jacqueline preferred gold, he knew, so... Something tasteful and elegant... Maybe with diamonds, and...

His eye caught on a silver necklace with a brilliant blue sapphire and all thoughts flew right out of his head.

Immediately, he thought of Anzu. And he promptly berated himself for it. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking of her! He had begun seeing Jacqueline to try and get the dancing minx out of his head. He had forbidden himself from thinking about her; he didn’t even allow her to be spoken of. Mokuba thought it was due to pure hatred, but... Seto didn’t hate her. In fact, he was a bit more interested in her than he cared to admit. But she was betrothed! Ahh, he could have kicked himself a thousand times - he should not be thinking about her! They had shared one meaningless moment - just one! And he hadn’t thought of her before that moment, and he certainly shouldn’t be thinking about her after it.

He had... He had Jacqueline. No, he didn’t love her, but she was brilliant and beautiful and her father was one of the most prestigious businessmen in all of France. They made a perfect match - he was lucky to have her. At least that’s what everyone had told him, over and over again.

That's all. 
-ILB out

azureshipping, yellow, one-shot, yugioh, story notes, written late-06, sevenfold, avarice

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