10 Day Meme: Day 3

Jan 13, 2011 09:26

DAY 1: 10 things about you
DAY 2: 10 things you love

.001 Mustard. D: It is my most loathed condiment.
.002 Straps that fall off my shoulder. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. Actually, I don't like things that fall from their spots at all. If I put something up on a shelf and it falls off again? That really, really annoys me! I just get furious! I have no idea why that bothers me so much.
.003 Going to the dentist - I even have a tag about this. XD
.004 Riding on escalators - they make me a little nauseous for whatever reason.
.005 Boats (Chiefly in comparison to airplanes - I love the water and I'm a really good swimmer, though. But the thought of a boat capsizing and dying a slow, agonizing death in the middle of the ocean? I would rather be in a plane crash and get smushed instantaneously.)
.006 Being interrupted when I am reading. (If you do this, I will become very cross indeed.)
.007 A great deal of reality TV programs. I don't judge people who watch them, because I can understand the appeal somewhat, but I personally I don't like them.
.008 Arrogant, pretentious people who have no idea what they're talking about. I really don't like arrogance, but if you are brilliant and know it then while I will disapprove of your attitude and I won't really like you much but I will sort of reluctantly admit that yes, you are as smart as you think you are. But if someone doesn't ever bother to learn what they're trying to argue about, if they take other people's opinions and never think for themselves and then try to tell me that they're just tra la la, miss brilliant? Oh no. I don't like arrogance at the best of times.
.009 Being cold. D: I am not exactly a fan of really hot weather, but I dislike cold weather so much more. I like being warm, or at least comfortably cool.
.010 And to round out a mostly silly list: intolerance, bigotry, prejudice, hate. People who look down on others for something stupid. This makes me so angry.

DAY 4: 10 things you want to say to one person
DAY 5: 10 wishes
DAY 6: 10 items you can’t live without
DAY 7: 10 important people
DAY 8: 10 of your favorite songs
DAY 9: 10 ways to win your heart
DAY 10: Final 10 words


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