Quick Question

Oct 25, 2010 18:05

I'm thinking about buying a rename token for the name literaria. Would do you guys think of that? Like it, hate it (don't bother telling me if you don't care, though, I guess XP)? I really, really love an_ardent_rain so I'm super loath to do it, though.


I'm probably back! :) Things are getting a little better, so... well, that's good.

Thank you all so, so much for the well wishes. I didn't respond because it's really painful for me to talk about, but I want you to know I really do appreciate it. It meant a lot to me, so thank you.

And isn't my new icon pretty? :3 I got it in the icon-gifting thread at HiH Hogsmeade. I really like it!

stuff, lj fiddly bits

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