Keep Running

Jul 20, 2010 22:30

I am tired of letting my anxiety rule my life. This has been something I've been thinking about a lot over the past few days, and it's been very difficult to come to the decision I have, but something has got to change. I guess I should be proud of myself of taking a big step instead of sticking to little ones. But I'm not. I'm resigned, slightly scared, and all I can see ahead of me is a bleak, rocky road. It's something I have to do, though.

Yeah. There'll be more about that later. I just want you guys to know that I appreciate any support you've given me over the days/weeks/months I've known you. I'm a little ashamed that I haven't been as supportive as I could have been to some of you. Just know that even if I didn't say much, I still cared.


Wow, that was serious, huh? We don't want any more of that. XP

FIRST. That poll I put up re: Hogwarts houses (and yes, I know I'm being childish, but I'm still pissed off about that. That is the worst thing about me - I hold grudges.)
Unsurprisingly, I feel Ravenclaw won!

We had:
• 1 Gryff vote
• 4 Puff votes
• 12 Claw votes

Thanks to anyone who voted for appeasing my curiosity. And extra-special thanks to those who left reasoning! It was really interesting to read!

Now secondary! :D Which was interesting, too.
Ravendor: 4
Ravenpuff: 9
Slytherclaw: 1
Gryffinpuff: 1
Pure Ravenclaw: 1

SECOND. I have been working on 20in20s a lot lately (as I'm sure you may have guessed). I didn't finish a few claims, and even though I have an hour and a half, I'm feeling too lazy to finish. I did a lot already, so that counts, right?

stuff, harry potter

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