Jun 26, 2010 01:42

Two things of note. (Except not really, because they're silly and rather insignificant. But. Yeah, whatevs, I'm sure you all understand.)

+ My brother and I watched the South Park episode about scientology where Tom Cruise is trapped in the closet. Nathan had never seen the R. Kelly video/heard the song that the episode made fun of, so I had to remedy that. We've been making fun of it for awhile now - good times. He really got a kick out of it - though he thought it was a pretty bad song, so it's more of a mocking enjoyment.

He's also obsessed with Criminal Minds now. I watch the show sometimes, but he doesn't - but a marathon come on and we were watching it (and we have some episodes recorded on tivo) and he decided that he really, really likes it. Ha, nice. The only other show he really likes with any regularity is House.

+ ALSO VOTE IN THE POLL FOR THERE IS A TIE. Thank you. :3 If you haven't already, I mean.

I'm playing through Dragon Age again - man I love that game! I have two new DA icons that I got from petitemerci; they are lovely-ful. I don't ever look for icons, but I love, love, love when I happen across things I like. Serendipitous. I need an Alistair icon, though; he is my favorite. XD I was in Orzammar and I got this awesome line: "News of the hour! Prince Bhelen attacked the assembly and was ignominiously slain. Epic fail." Ha, I cracked up about that. Seriously, I could go on and on about this game; I love it. I really don't want to have to give Tom back his x-box. - alas, I shall as soon as he gets moved into his new place. He's going to buy Dragon Age: Awakening as soon as he can (though he's saving up for a PS3 and a new slim-or-whatever x-box first so unless I can convince him to wait - and with his budget he really should - that might be awhile) so I can't wait to play it! Yay. If I had a computer that didn't suck so badly I might get PC version. Alas, though, this puppy is on its last legs.

Writing! I should do that...

television, what?!, sssssssmokin', nathan, i want dean/castiel wingporn, awesome, dragon age, family, teh video gamez

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