Book 04

Mar 15, 2010 22:58

I finished my movie20in20 claim! Yay. It's really not very good at all, but, you know... What can you do? Ha. I hate animated caps, I've decided - or making icons of them, at least. But anyway, that's here.

So! Today I read The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, which is the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It pretty much met my expectations straight on. I think this probably would have been one of my favorite series (whatever the hell the plural is for series... Is it bad I'm ashamed I don't know?) when I was 12. But anyway. Erm... Under a cut, I guess, for anyone who hasn't read it but wants to/wants to see the movie.

So yes, like I said, met my expectations. Knew as soon as the Oracle said that a friend would betray him it would be Luke, and when they got the shoes that just totally cemented it. Because of that, I was sort of expecting Hermes to be the "bad guy" or the god helping (because, come on, the Kronos thing I saw coming a mile away), so even if it was sort of unsurprising to see that it was Ares, it wasn't something I was necessarily expecting. Oh, and the image of Zeus in a fancy suit was great. I'd never really liked Poseidon before - like, the image of him I had was totally different. I'd seen him in my head as a sort of bearded, husky fellow, bad-tempered and sort of snarly. I like the Poseidon in the book, I really, really like him. Well, so far. I do wish it had been a teeny bit harder to figure out who Percy's dad was, though. Ahh well. I was happy it was Poseidon - not sure why, but that was a lot cooler to me than if it had been Zeus. Annabeth is okay, but she gets on my nerves just a touch; if she's the romantic female lead (which I sort of suspect), well... No, actually, that's pretty much what bothers me. It's just so typical. Ha. Anyway! The pacing was nice, I liked the mythology (whether correct or not), and I do actually like Percy - he seems like an interesting character, and I don't mind him as a narrator. I'd recommend this; it may be a little simply written, for younger readers, I mean, but it's still a good story.

I'm probably going to go out tomorrow to get the Princess and the Frog on DVD, the next book in this series, and the next book in the Sookie Stackhouse series.

2010, icons, books

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