I'm Asking Him to Change His Ways

Nov 01, 2009 22:39

OHAI GUYS! Well, I don't really have much to report, but I was in the mood for some chatter, so I decided to have a little post. I really do love LJ. As much and as awesome as RL is, there's something so... I don't know, I guess reliable about the internet. Heh - if I have a fight with one of my friends, I can at least go squee with my f-list. XP Though speaking of that, I really need to go find some Bleach friends (I have like two or three) so I can fangirl. It looks like things are about to get exciting (as you may have been able to tell from my last post)! Anyway! Enough about that. Er... Gosh, I swear there was a point to this!

Oh! Fables. I am so, so, so, so loving that series. I've only read up to volume 7 so far (which contains issues 42-47), but I can't wait to sink my teeth into volume 8. The comic shop was having a sale yesterday, and I really should have gone to see if they had it. But I'm trying to save money. In retrospect (well, not really, as I saw this at the time), I know I'm just going to buy it later, so it would have been more prudent to go on and buy it while it was on sale. I was so surprised when I found out who the Adversary is! That was clever. Heh. And I love Snow and Bigby's kids - they're adorable. Their wedding is in volume 8, I believe, which is just another reason I'm extra eager to get my greedy little hands on it. I also want to start the Jack series, too; I just haven't had a chance to get it yet. Again, I'm trying my best to save money. I just bought some new clothes (which were actually much needed - I went up to a size 10 now - and unless I stop stress-eating it'll be a 12 soon - *grumble grumble* so I'm going to have to get off my lazy bum and hit the gym; also needed because I wear my jeans until they're held together my love and safety pins). Okay, okay, so the three ridiculously adorable, I maintain shirts from Threadless weren't really needed so much as I just can't resist cute giraffes. Heh. Oh, yeah... Tangential, sorry. Back to Fables! What was I saying? I guess that's all because I've totally lost the point. Anyway, I adore it, enough said. I love the characters; they've done such a good job adapting them.

We also just read "The Raven" in my American Lit class. I always forget how much I love Poe! I mean, he's not my favorite, and most of the time I'm just like "Poe, eh," but when I read that poem (and some of his others) I'm just blown away. I LOVE how he plays with language: "and the silken, sad uncertain rustling of that purple curtain" (or some approximation of that)... just wow! Ooh, it makes my writerly sensibilities so very pleased. I mean, I would love to borrow from my books surcease of sorrow. I think the poem's in trochaic meter, which for me is just a total bitch to write in. So I find it impressive. And I love internal rhyme. Hee. Wow, okay, I'm getting way too exciting about this. (Or am I? I have a feeling a lot of you guys know exactly what I mean.)

I really need some more science-y interests to balance out all my intense literary love. :P I wish I could take more classes; I mean, I wouldn't trade my fantastical book-ish classes for anything, but I do miss chemistry. I only have a basic high school knowledge (plus what I remember from the chem II class a semester or so ago) and I don't like not knowing things. It bugs me. I could take organic, I guess, but then I'd have to give up some of my psych classes. It's not fair! Can't I be a student forever? Just... without the pressure and stress and papers and grades and things? Ha ha, yes, let me have my delusions. I get so excited every time a new semester rolls around. All my classes seem so shiny and awesome before I get in them. I could have kept my double major, but... okay, so I'm petty. God, that guy pissed me off. The professor for the calculus II class I was in announced one day that literature/english is not a legitimate form of scholarship. So I stopped trying and lost pretty much all respect for him. And decided to minor in psych instead of chemistry. I think he got all bent out of shape because someone did a paper on the Simpsons; apparently that was just wrong. I don't know - whatever. I've taken like six, what are they called... ahh! Aptitude test. And literally all of them have said I would make a good teacher/therapist/writer. What a surprise! Ha. I'm a little too proud of being as self-aware as I am sometimes, I think. Bad Hannah. XP

Okay! Random interjection, but I'm listening to this song right now, and you guys have got to see this video. It's sort of fantastic. My brother and boyfriend both think it's strange, but I just think it's adorable and awesome. It's the music video for "Her Morning Elegance" by Oren Lavie. Oh gosh, it's great!

Ooh, and! I have some much-needed Rayne fic for anyone interested. It's just a tiny "String Theory" snippet, but at least it's something!

River blinked as she stared out at the rest of the crew - they were silent, waiting for whatever she was going to say. She took a moment to savor the feeling. "Everyone," she said, her voice firm, "attention!"

Jayne rolled his eyes, sending out waves of exasperation. They were barely audible, but she felt them prick-pricking at her mind. It was getting easier and easier to pick out which thoughts and feelings were his; whatever barrier was in place wasn't filtering him out, and she had yet to understand why. She glared at him, sticking out her tongue; he had to pay attention to her or Simon and Mal would be very displeased.

"What is it that's so gorram important?" Mal asked, one eyebrow raised in idle curiosity.

"It is time," she announced, pointing towards Mike and Bonny. "They must provide answers." She took a big, deep breath, looking at Michael with narrowed eyes. "It is you." She tapped her forehead. "You have done this to me. Better - the girl is better, they say. Walls, whispers... but the malady is still there! Symptoms, symptoms; you have not treated the cause."

"I ain't got a clue what you're prattlin' on about girl," he said heavily, staring at her with new intensity. "I hadn't treated nothin' an' if you're gettin' better then that's just ruttin' great, but it ain't no business of mine."

"Lies!" River said, her voice strained. It was obvious she was trying hard to keep in control; and she was doing a better job than anyone had ever seen her do before. Regardless of what he said, or the apparent lack of motive - and ability - the bare facts were that River had only begun improving once the two teenagers were onboard. "Y-you say that, but I feel you. Here," she said, pressing her palms against her temples, looking pained. "Interference! The channels are blocked!" She shook her head hard, trying to clear him out.

Yeah, what'd you think? Ooh, getting exciting. I'm not sure if that's what'll end up in the story or not - somehow, I need to get things moving along without revealing who Mike and Bonny are. I think I'm going to send them off to Jayne's home planet - see his family, stuff like that. And I think that the Blue Hands are going to be alive for this. Yeah, that's really the only way it'll work, I think. I think maybe the Alliance will have some sort of technology for detecting temporal disturbances that'll lead them to Mike and Bonny. Maybe. We'll see. I could just decide to do something crazy like send the whole crew to the future or something. Like I said... we'll see.

Guess that's it! Wow, long entry. Lots of random. I'll be later with more! :D

firefly, fables, college, literary bits, string theory, fangirling, boring random hannah happenings, life

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