I Am So Bored! (the truth)

Jul 24, 2009 15:21

So I have absolutely nothing to do today. I have no school work that needs doing, our house is pretty clean, it's not a meal time (so I can't cook), and THERE IS NOTHING TO DO. Bah. I suppose I could go out into the world and look for something to do at four in the afternoon, but... *sigh* I don't think anyone's here (who's free, anyway). Le sigh. SO! I bring some sucky graphic things, because that's what I've been doing lately. Blahr. I had so much fun doing the Bad Fan Art contest at whedonland (And OOH BOY, I did something awful), that I've been playing around with Paint Shop. I suck so hardcore; it's a little embarrassing, actually. Heh.

First! I made House/Cuddy things. Yay.


And to that effect, I am making (drum roll)... A Huddy Fanmix! Yay! :D

Here is a sneak peek:

I got the screencap from house_md_caps.

AND! As for more fanmixes... Obviously, since I asked for Zoe/Wash songs, that's what I'm doing. :P (I'm still chiseling down the song list to be as perfect as I can get it - is secret, for exchange!) This is only Version 1 - I'm still deciding how exactly to make it better.

Got the brush from mutsie_brushes
Pic from Can't Take the Sky

YAY! I love doing fanmixes, even though I suck at the album art bit. I can't decide if I'm going to write an accompanying fic or not.

Hokay. That's it for now. I guess I ought to write something today, too. I shall! At least tomorrow I actually have things to do. Heh.

Whoo. That's all. I guess I'll go and try to get some writing done. I've got a lot of HP fandom ideas, so I think that I'll work on those (and maybe more fanmixes! bwa ha ha).



photoshop fail, zoe/wash, house/cuddy, fanmix, boredom, piccage

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