Stuff I'm Working On

Jul 11, 2009 12:00


Things were not well in the eleventh division barracks.

"Outta my way," Zaraki growled. He swung out an arm - Yumichika had the sense to duck down, but it hit Ikkaku square in the face. "What the hell's wrong with Yachiru? Where is she?"

"She's in her room," Yumichika answered calmly. "I don't know what's wrong - she says she won't tell anyone but you."

Zaraki growled again and continued barreling his way towards Yachiru. She might not come to training in the morning if she didn't feel like it, but he usually always knew where she was; and she never missed lunch no matter what.

Yumichika watched as Ikkaku wobbled upwards and brushed himself off. He grunted and said, "What's got taichou so damn ruffled?"

"It's Kusajishi-fukutaichou. She's been in bed all morning."

"All morning?" he repeated incredulously.

"Exactly. Which is why taichou is worried."

And suddenly, Zaraki came back, his face a strange mixture of rage and concern. "All right. Now which one of you is going to tell me what the hell is wrong with her? She's got a fever!" he said angrily, glaring as though it was somehow one of his division members' fault.

Both the third and fifth seat looked down to the little, pink-haired girl in their captain’s arms. Her face was flushed and her nose was red. She sneezed violently, then wheezed back into her "Ken-chan's" hold.

"Well, if I had to venture a guess," Yumichika said slowly, "I'd say that she might have the flu - I think it's been going around." He wrinkled his nose. "A terribly un-beautiful disease."

"Why don't you take her to fourth division?" Ikkaku suggested. "They know all about sickness and shit."

“The fourth division.” For half a moment, Zaraki seemed to mull over that option. Then with a decisive glint, he stared down Ikkaku. “All right, I’m taking her over there. You watch the division and… make them fight, or something.”

“You got it, taichou.”

Zaraki nodded.


“I don’t believe this,” Jounouchi said, his tone dripping with disgust. “This was the worst trip ever. The worst.”

“I’m so tired,” Yugi sighed. “Can we go home?”

Honda looked at his watch. “Yeah, yeah, of course Yugi, but…” He looked around, his brows furrowed. “Where’s Anzu?”


Christmas AU Fic

“Mum, I don’t want to go!”

Andromeda Tonks glared fiercely at her young daughter. “Nymphadora,” she said, hooking the clasp of a gold chain around her neck, “we’ve had this discussion. You’re going to attend this party and you are going to behave. Really, it won’t be that bad. There will be other children there. Susan and Bradley, at least.”

“Susan!” the girl sputtered. “And Bradley! Mum… I don’t like them! Susan is boring and only wants to play with girly toys and Bradley only likes quidditch and he makes fun of me for not playing!”

“I’m sorry, Nymphadora, but you’ll just have to get along. I’m sure a few other children are coming, as well.” She put the last pin in her hair and surveyed her reflection critically. Satisfied, she turned again to her daughter. “And morph your hair a normal color, dear. Not green.”

“But Mum!” She stomped her little foot indignantly. “It’s the same color as the Christmas tree!”

“The same color as the leaves, Nymphadora. The trunk is brown.” Andromeda gave her daughter a very significant look.

Pouting furiously, Nymphadora morphed her hair from forest green to a deep, woody brown.

“That’s better.” Andromeda sat down on her bed and gestured her daughter over. Separating the thick mass into three strands, she plaited her daughter’s hair into a long braid down her back. “Why do you keep it so long, Nymphadora? It would be much easier to manage if it was shorter.”

“I can’t do lengths yet, Mum. Only colors.”

“Well.” Andromeda snapped a band around the end and patted her daughter on the shoulder. “There you are, dear. Now go play in your room while I finish getting ready. I’ll send your father to get you when the guests start arriving.”

Grumbling to herself, Nymphadora shuffled to her room. She shut her door and sat on her little rainbow-colored rug. “I don’t want to go to the party,” she muttered, picking at a loose thread. “Maybe Dad’ll forget and I can just stay here.” Her mother loved hosting all sorts of gatherings and normally Nymphadora could get out of them, but Christmas - apparently - was an occasion where her presence was required. She grabbed a book from her shelf and settled down to wait until the party blew over.

It was unfortunate for her that her father came in thirty minutes later.

“Dora! Come on, Dora, we’ve got a lovely party waiting for us! Don’t you want to come and - “

“Do I have to?” she whined. “I don’t want to go to the party.”

Ted smiled at his daughter and ruffled her hair fondly. “Oh, come on, Dora. I’m sure it’ll be lots of fun.” He knelt down and gave her a look of commiseration. “Besides that, your mother wants us both to go. And we can’t disappoint her, you know.”

First Meeting Fic

“I could go with you!” she volunteered enthusiastically. “I could - “

“No! Oh, no thanks, Tonks,” Barnes said quickly, smiling apologetically. “We’ve got it covered.”

Her face fell, but she tried not to let her disappointment show. “Oh, er… right. Well, good luck then! Have a good mission.”

“Sure we will,” Barnes answered kindly, beating a hasty retreat. He waved quickly and then he and the two others on his team were gone.

Tonks sighed and sunk lower into her seat.


“An’ then, Jayne said, putting his drink down hard on the table, “she started doin’ this thing with her tongue. I ain’t never felt somethin’ so - “

“Do you have to… to do that?” Simon asked, his nose wrinkling up in distaste.

Jayne grunted, annoyed at being interrupted. “Do what?”

Limply, Simon waved his hand in the merc’s general direction. “Just…” He exhaled shortly. “That’s obscene.”

“Obscene?” Jayne leaned back in his chair, sneering at Simon from across the table. “Ain’t my fault you don’t got a ‘ppreciation for a fine female body.”

“There’s a difference between appreciation and objectification.” He cleared his throat and nodded. “Kaylee and I… I mean… She’s a beautiful woman. I can appreciate that, certainly.”

Mal grunted. “Yeah, an’ you best not be appreciatin’ anywhere near my engine room, doc.”



And... Yeah, think that's it for now. I will actually finish something eventually! Heh.


incomplete, firefly, sevenfold, harry potter, unohana/zaraki, bleach

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