Fic Idea and "TENC" News

May 24, 2009 00:37

Chuck possible new fic

"There he is," Casey said, smiling darkly. "Ready Walker?"

"Got it," Sarah responded curtly, her voice crackly through the comm system. "He doesn't look armed. And he doesn't look like he's going anywhere near Chuck."

"Better to be safe than sorry," he grunted. And had he been one for atmosphere, he would have wished dearly for a gun to cock.

"Yeah, he's not coming near me, right?" Chuck asked nervously. "Right? Because, uh... His arms are as big as my head and there's a very good chance he could crush me. Like a bug, Casey. A little tiny bug."

The NSA agent growled to himself. "You really think I'd be complaining, Bartowski?"

"Not the time, Casey," Sarah bit out.

He rolled his eyes, but settled in more firmly to his position under the window. The man they had under surveilance was a possible threat. Chuck had flashed on him - his name was Stanton Tremain. He'd been involved with a radical environmental group in college and was currently employed by a company that the CIA suspected was a front for bio-terrorist organization. There was no proof, of course, but he'd moved into the place right next to Chuck's and had received a number of suspicious packages.

It was just a precaution.

But as Casey had learned over the time he'd been working with Chuck Bartowski, one could never take too many precautions.


That's all I have so far, but I'll probably get the rest of it done soon. Then I'll post it to jellie_shippers to gauge its worth. Still not sure it's an idea I should bother continuing or not, so we'll see.


And now! THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES! If people ever ask about a fic it's usually this one. As such, I have decided to make every attempt to get the next chapter done. YAY! Hee. It's my plan - as the selfish little thing I am - to get it done as a birthday present to myself (on the 28th). I usually do write a little story, just because I love writing so much I can't think of a better way to celebrate - heh. It's been Furuba mainly in the past, but I'm totally up for some good ol' Rayne. Hee. So expect an update soon!

Also! "Evolution" is coming, too. That should be in the next day or two. I was listening to something and it just really inspired me. So! That's coming. Then I have a "Sevenfold" blue piece I've been thinking about, and then I'm going to try to dig up something unfinished (any suggestions? If any Azureshippers read this, it'll probably be "ICOE". Heh.) and work on that.

Kay. All for now! ^^

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