Firefly various bits
River/Jayne, then Inara/Jayne
YAY! All right - I've been doing a lot of thinking about this fic, and I have some absolutely lovely ideas. I know how chapter four's gonna go (and I'm nearly done with it), so that's no big thing. But I'm not sure exactly where chapter five is going to go. I sort of need to plan things out. Okay! First off - let's try to get a sort of estimation of which prompts go with which chapters.
Well 1 was green and the Murellus quote, 2 was red and writer's choice-Claudius quote, and 3 was brown and the Lady Macbeth quote.
4: Gray; the Cassius quote
5: Yellow; the Henry V quote
6: Purple; the Queen quote
7: Orange; the Orsino quote
8: Silver; the Puck quote
9: Black; the Desdemona quote
10: Blue; the Benedick quote
That's just a rough sketch; I have an outline in my head of where I want the story to go and what I want to happen in each chapter, but nothing's really concrete yet. I had a really good idea today (during class, the naughty thing I am) about an ice planet and River likening Jayne to a poem. Hee. That should be... erm, maybe chapter six. Yeah, that sounds about right. Chapter four is sort of a "defining moment" when they become friends, and five is... stuff. Heh. I'm not quite sure about five, yet. I'll have to just see when I get to writing it! Anyway, guess that's all. Have to go finish four now!
This is the beginning of my idea for challenge #03 at
She had beautiful hair.
It was raven-sleek, satiny-smooth and beautiful; and even though that was usually the last thing about a woman he noticed, he’d looked Inara up and down so many times that he could probably trace every wave with his eyes closed.
She had the best hair of any woman on the ship, no question. Much better than the moonbrain’s, that stringy, tangly mess she only washed half the time and brushed even less. And better than Kaylee’s, because although the mechanic’s hair was cute, it was uneven because she cut it herself and no matter how she tried she could never quite manage to keep all those frizzy fly-aways down. And Zoë… Well it was nice, that was true, but there was so much of it Jayne didn’t think he’d know what to do with it.
Hokay. Well that's all for now. Hee. I should have chapter four of "Evolution" sent off to be beta-read either tonight or tomorrow, so that's certainly promising. Don't know when - if ever - I'll get that other bit finished.
Also! I'm so excited! In my post that had my "Suitor"-verse poll, I had volunteers for graphic-making. YAY! That's going to be freaking awesome and I can't wait to see what they come up with! Tee hee hee.
I'm going to keep my poll open, but! I shall start working on fics. So far, six people have said they'd like to see what happens between "Suitor" and "Courtship", and five people said they'd like to see things before "Suitor", when River first starts realizing she has feelings for him. I wasn't expecting the first one, actually, so I don't have much in the way of work in that direction. But I'll certainly start working on ideas and such.
Anyway, that's it, I suppose. Off to work!